
Angel Grace Blessing

Your Angel Prayer For The Day

Prayer For Forgiveness

Archangel Jeremiel’s Prayer For Forgiveness

Have you ever wished for someone to help you forgive yourself and others? Look no further than Archangel Jeremiel. This powerful archangel is here to help you heal and find peace through forgiveness.

Archangel Jeremiel is an amazing angel who helps us to find inner peace and hope. He is the angel of Hope, Mercy and Compassion, and his prayer can be used for yourself or others to find forgiveness and healing. Archangel Jeremiel is known for his blessings of inner peace and hope, as well as his assistance in the mercy you will need for forgiving yourself. He also encourages us to make changes when we are stuck in a cycle of guilt and regret.

When you are ready to use the Archangel Jeremiel prayer, it is best to first pray it on your own behalf. This will help you gain a deep understanding of what you are asking for and allow you to fully appreciate the magnitude of what you are requesting. Once you have prayed this prayer on your own behalf, you can use it to forgive someone else – whether that person is from your past or present. The Archangel Jeremiel prayer reminds us that we are loved and supported by angels and divine forces, so let its power help guide your path forward in forgiving yourself and others.

Archangel Jeremiel is a powerful figure in the angelic realm and is known for his role as the archangel of mercy and judgement. He is also known as the archangel of repentance, healing, and forgiveness. Through prayer, you can connect with Archangel Jeremiel to gain insight into your spiritual journey and to receive guidance and healing in times of need.

Archangel Jeremiel's Prayer For Forgiveness

Jeremiel, the Angel of Mercy, the Light-Server,

I'm grateful that you entered my energies and helped me discover my inner miracles. I consent to having my delusions revealed to me via dreams and visions. I let go of these illusions as I acknowledge them. I am reminded of the heavenly love-spark that resides within me. I recognize how this love binds me to everything that is. Being forgiving comes naturally to me. I am liberated and forgiving.

It is what it is, so let it be.

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