Angel Prayer Wall

Luke 11:9 "So I Tell You: Ask, And It Will Be Given To You;
Seek, And You Will Find; Knock, And The Door Will Be Opened To You..."

3,603 Prayer Requests as of Today (Jul 27, 2024)
Heavenly Father please pray for my sister who has cancer, please pray that she will be healed from this disease and that things in life going forward will get much better for her, please watch over her
Pray family stays well & daughter is cured of Type 1 diabetes... our daughter gets medical supplies & finds good doctors/dentists that take Champ VA. They accept what Champ VA pays them as payment & not harass us for more. Dental MetLife, turns out to be what they told us, since they aren’t covering the % of dental work as promised. Pray our appeal is won to be reimbursed the amount they told us when we signed up. Last April, daughter’s car was totaled setting in school parking lot by a parent who ran into it while parked, daughter was in class. She had to reach into savings, no help from family that did this & insurance did not cover everything. Hate to sue! Need help & guidance… Appears our daughter was targeted; recently when someone ran through intersection into her on way to dentist. Now she has to file another claim & fight to not get cheated. Person, claiming she ran into him but pictures show a different story. The police did not cite man for speeding nor driving without insurance. Now we have an uphill battle to deal with this issue & she gets her deductible of $500 back. Pray she understands the will of the Lord & does the right thing always & her faith grows! Our daughter passes all her teaching certifications & she gets over her loneliness & depression to move on to help students. Pray she is able to do really well for her middle school students (all grades) pass math & science, who failed last year. That she gets a better raise, since she must teach 2 parts of STEM in a Catholic school & rent keeps going up. Her raise does not cover the increase. Parents teach their children respect & obedience. Thanks for Daughter’s safe trip to Lady of Fatima last summer & return spiritually refreshed! Pray she is healed physically this year! Pray for our safe return this summer with her for the Pilgrimage. Pray for a safe trip to Europe with college friends in Oct & Nov 2024. Wife suffered a fake car accident, man said she bumped into him, who did not want insurance companies or police involved. Our insurance company believes this is a scam when they got the accident report from auto shop. Upon further investigation it appears man was trying to run a scam as others have told us & his lawyer is trying to sue my wife. Pray this is resolved so he doesn’t pull this stunt on other women by themselves & cost us anything else, they still owe us $500. Pray for forgiveness & we are able to get back on track to do the will of our Lord! Prayers for all our family’s SS#s, don't fall into wrong hands since computer & tax records were hacked. Identity & financial records are not stolen & Daughter’s Yahoo acct: hacked doesn’t harm her. That our new grandson stays healthy & gets over with COVID even with him getting COVID vaccination. We find a better/affordable place to move on GOD’s timeline. WE get out of time share properties. Very Much Appreciated, Ellett
Heavenly Father Hold my family in your hands, My brothers and their families, My nieces and nephews and all of their children in your hands Protecting and guiding them. Now and forever. Amen Dan Smrekar
For completion of a situation ongoing for nine months. Praying for this to be done with outcome in my favor. Blessings to all and prayers that we turn to the lord for everything. Worry about nothing but pray about everything. Amen.
Water baptism
Complete recovery from paralysis as a result of CVA.
Dear God, Heavenly Father Bless us with your LOVE Forgiveness Favor Grace Goodness Mercy and Protection. Please Father God Enlarge our Coasts and Territories. Please Father God show us your will for our lives and future. Please Father God bless Willie Richie and Margaret Lawson with your intercession. Please Father God grant me more of your Holy Spirit. Thank you Father God you're Magnificent and Amazing the GREAT IAM IAM IAM. IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME WE PRAY ASK AND RECEIVE AMEN!!!
God grand me with power of pray
They my cancer be cured
Please pray for my sister who was told that she has cancer, please pray that she will be healed from this disease and please pray that things in life will get better for her everyday
I need a prayer to put me and my husband back in a loving caring relationship again that can comunicate and be honest amd be there for me my daughter messed up our relationship after 42 years i miss him so badly i want to die im so lonely without him he wont evan talk to me because our oldest daughter decided she wants him to herself i miss our love our communication ,our trust our long walks our spending time together please help me i have evan thought about taking my life i need him back so badly i need your help
I want to be heathy my family and Friends. thank you for keeping me safe. Help me with my money situation and to help me have better luck and abundance. Thank you lord
Dear Jesus. I give you praise and thanks for all the blessings you have bestowed upon me. I thank you for keeping me safe and healthy. I thank you for helping me move and find a nice place to live near the beach. Dear Lord, I ask you at this time to help me be financially stable, prosperous and abundant so that I can live without worry and fear and help myself and my family and others. I thank you Lord Jesus for your everlasting love and friendship. Thank you Jesus.
Please lord Please help me with my financial situation and to help me have luck to obtain funds to help Peter return to me from where he's working before the end of this month (may) please hear my prayers I will be eternally grateful father of all Thank you our lord
Dear Lord, I pray that you will watch over my family, and please keep them all safe in their travels, and bring them c, and I closer to you Lord, as you have brought me closer to you. Please know that I love you and believe in you as my Savior. I look forward to the day that you bring me home to be with you. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Dearest Mama Mary Please intercede with Jesus to clear the confusion in my daughter Esha's mind regarding her future course of action. Please ask Jesus that she will return to Canada and settle down there happily. Please intercede with Jesus for me to get my supervisa for Canada without any hassle. Thank you Mama Mary for your intercession.
Prayers to be healed of depression and bipolar disorder. Prayers for an abundance of captioning work from Partners Interpreting and from Kerin and other worker and the God-given ability to carry it out successfully. Prayers to get abundance of work from Doreen. Prayers to do a good job at caregiving. Prayers to lose 20 pounds all for the glory of God. Prayers for financial miracle. Prayers to surrender totally to God and let God take care of everything. Prayers for restoration of relationship with Josh and Sandy and Alex. Prayers for Trisha and family and all family and friends. Prayers to go to church on Sundays. Prayers to do a good job today and tomorrow with captioning. Prayers to pay off credit cards quickly. Prayers to get streak started on treadmill today and to go to Planet Fitness. Jesus I trust in you. Thy will be done. I surrender all.
For the reconciliation of my marriage to GC. That he humbly comes back to me his wife and family. That our family is reunited and he stops all divorce proceedings. Mark 10:9 The just shall have Justice.
I pray Angels that I can have my dream house on the water With my 2 sons & 3 pets with us I really would love a big 4-5 bedroom house so we can not be on top of each other please I would love to win lotto please so I can help the homeless people with shelters all over the world so most people in need please thank you I pray in Jesus name amen
Randy Hale
Here father holy god Jehovah in the name of the lord of the Lord and King Jesus Christ my brother and your love and defeats of my life love heart body mind true and spirit declaring cleaning Jesus holy name just holy blessing of your prayers for a manifestation of a house of course the motorcycle money bank finance Liberty no more words no more trouble with it all belong to you father son and holy Ghost in Jesus Christ name I give you all my birthday and all my troubles with you the name of Jesus who speaks the word of Truth no more heartache no more trouble no more sorrow no more it's me and I are left and helping town at 65th and Jesus Christ name amen I have spoken the word of God and I have spoken the word of Randy Hale and I just done in Jesus holy name thank you Father
Please pray for the complete healing and reconciliation with my oldest son. Restore our relationship to a time when there was trust and communication. Remove the grip others have on him if its holding him back. Thank you!
Please help me pray for my children , children-in-law and for my friends
Thanks you Mary
Kurwin smith
Praying for a financial miracle for my family to send my son to school and prepare for my unborn child I pray for these finances as we are struggling for very long and it's becoming unbearable oh lord help us amen
Thank you Blessed Angels for guiding Ryan and helping him to manifest all that he truly wants to be and experience in his life.
I pray that I can find my calling my true happiness and release all the blocks on my way today to that life and wealth and happiness
Please pray for my partner and I. We have been waiting to build our first home for years now, local government issues have been holding us up from living on our own land! Please grant us this request! Amen
Teresa Mosley
I pray break through the mail peoples to bring me my family mail give me run round Jesus pray help
Am praying for healing of my relationship with my cousin Winston. My daughter and son in law will turn back to god and their kids will be grow up knowing god. Healing for my husband and myself finances. Amen
Lord please heal me my ears ringing loud loosing my hearing overtime I'm really suffering lord I have a daughter to raise please I beg of you heal me heal me heal Jesus I know I haven't been the best please I beg you heal me. Amen Jesus thank you
Calvin j Trombley
I would like to learn how to pray to the guardian Angel's and learn more about our own guardian angel and how I can contact them and how to pray to God and the guardian Angel's for myself and others like my children and grandchildren
Pl open my various sources of income immediately which I have been struggling since COVID and atleast do various real estate deals let me earn money fr my office rent , bills, payments of power bills, house expenses going thru severe mental harassment from my eldest sister sujata fr the last 40 years end her torture towards me permanently
Amelia Boholst
Please! Pray for my son help me ask Jesus to touch him with His Healing hands and totally heal him in all his illness
Hello I'm texting because I need prayer I have emphysema and I know that Jesus still works miracles also my granddaughter has cerebral palsy she can't eat talk or walk and I know that Jesus can heal her please pray for me and her thank you so much and God bless. Linda
J. Abby
Please pray for me and my husband and two children for healing and deliverance. Please pray for better jobs for my husband and i so that we can afford to buy our own place and not be obligated to family. We really trusting God for financial breakthroughs. Amen.
Let my light shine and let me win believing for a financial breakthrough this weekend may all my wishes be granted may my name be placed on the winner list
Jiji George
Please pray for a miracle in my speaking re-evaluation result. I got 340marks,but need 350 to pass
Linda Johnson
Hello my prayer request is for a healing, I have emphysema and my granddaughter has cerebral palsy she can't eat walk or talk I love all my grands I pray that they all be successful in life and give their life to the Lord I need prayer also for my family we are diabetics I put all my trust in Jesus with all my heart I want a relationship with him I want to be really close to him . I need prayer for my cousin in the hospital for throat cancer I pray for John Lewis to over come his illness. Before my mother left me she told me to TRUST in the Lord I do.
Please pray for me for an financial breakthrough ,for good health and for an solution between the misunderstandings in my relation. That we becomes best friends again. In jesus name. Amen
Pinaki Mandal
Please pray for me to get out from debts fast as I have no way to payoff all my loans outstanding. I believe in almighty God.
Financial breakthrough and I desire to have a lifetime spouse
Suffering from anxiety at the starting stage. Kindly help to overcome the same.
Nana Konadu
Hmmmm I need help with finances, good health, healing for Yakubu, Godfrey, Kwaku, myself, Josiah and Rehoboth.
I'm suffering from never damaged, spinel damaged and bleeding internal but so far it has not been resolved yet after losing all my blood & iron too. This landed me in the hospital for over 11 days. Since then. I have had multiple surgery and its eent off the rails. My pelvis broke do to the hardware.
God when will my life be more fun and when will i be able to do things like normal people do and will i be welcomed back home to heaven. I have chronic lyme diesase all my life and i have not giving up yet im still fighting and moving forward but i dont think i will ever be happy again and joy life at disney parks or anything because im a sinner and i dont know what my small and big dream life goals are because my illness wont let me i fill like im losing in lifeI but i would love to recieve more giifts and blessings from you and i need to know if im on the right path to my dream life plan that you have for ben updike at 39 in springville utah to be more liking life and show people like family and friends that i made it with your help and heal my heart and soul and help me find my way back to my father in heaven and i want what people get in life adventure fun places to see and going back to disneyland because i want to actually enjoy it this time without going back to my room like last time i went i had a mserable hard time because inwas drugged and i feel like a loser and not a winner because i cant fix or accomplish my dream life that you have for me. All i am asking for is youIr help to get me through this hard life i have been struggling with despression and anxiety and learning disabilites and more i just want my life more enjoyable and fun and i want to reach my big dream in life with your will and be done as it is on earth and in heaven.i lovevyou fatther and jesus i believe you can get me changed to be more happier and fun person i used to be along time ago. You got me through last time i know you can help me through this one too because i trust you with my heart and jesus christ is always welcomed in my home and life dicisson and dreams and future goals i love jesus i believe he is the savoir that will help ben updike change his life for the better and much more to come he loves me i love him he is my king my redeemer and my rescuer i know he will change ben updikes life when he thinks its my turn to shine and recieve vacation fun with my family on his time and plan i want just want to Return to my father in heaven because i am your child and jesus and God i want to hug you and have you wipe the tears from my eyes and say welcome home my faithful servant well done. Into thy hands i give you my life dream plan for me to be happy and a changed man so that my family and friends can get the real me. in thy beloved son Jesus christ Amen.
Cassandra Simpson
I am asking for prayer, I am in need of a 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms home. I am also asking for prayer for a financial blessing to help get the house that I want. I am believing that I already have It in Jesus Name I Pray AMEN
spiritual realization
Ben Updike
God I give you my life I want you to know that I believe that Jesus christ is the savior and son of God and he loves me i ask forgiveness from my sins and heal my heart and direct me to the fullest life plan that you have me do i want to be healed and live life with you right now to my full potential and show you things that you have planned out for Ben Updike life in Springville Utah because I choose Jesus christ has my savior i come to you father in heaven to bless me with more happiness than what I have chronic lyme disease and reach my destination for you always i believe in you i trust you even sometimes i forget to pray i am a sinner and im sorry for lookin at bad stuff on my phone and tablet i have a addiction that I am struggling with i love my family and friends and my parents im trying my hardest to follow Jesus christ and reach my goals in life to be my future.i complain about the future alot because I am very scared of not being able to get there and trying to get better so I can hear your voice saying this is right path you are going to make it out of this darkness and difficultyness and show me the skills of my dream life and future goals so I can change my life and be more successful and happier than I am now and all my life forgive me for watching bad things and taking people and life for granted I'm sorry I apologize I believe Jesus is the christ the son of God savior of the world i believe in God.i need to know what i am trying im doing right apologize for complaining and comparing myself to others lifestyle I'm scared that I am not doing things according to your plans im so sorry i want to thank you for all being with me through all this difficult life situation i thank you for not leaving me alone and thank you for everything you do for me and you are the best I would not be here on earth if it wasn't for Jesus christ and his resurrection thank you for paying the price for Ben Updike sins he loves you very much and wants to return to you in heaven and have you say well done my faithful servant i believe in christ he is my king and I truly trust him and God with all my heart and soul and mind now God will you give me my dream come true answer so I can live life to the fullest until my time on this earth is done i want to healed from sin and chronic lyme disease mental health and depression and anxiety and addiction problems im letting God handle my life and future because he knows everything about Ben Updike and have him live life more fun and more happiness and more adventurous and more fun to be around him and God bless me with all my sins and let me lean on my own understanding and heal my soul and mind my life is complete in your hands lord thank you for giving me a chance to live life has you wanted me to do now please guide me to my dream skill future goals life because you know Ben Updike plans you have for him am i on the right road or pathof returning to my home in heaven i want to know what God's plan is for Benjamin guy Updike in Springville Utah in order to move forward and make it God you were there for me when I lived on the other side of town and you gave me a life worth living for you came through when I was pulled over by a cop and handcuffed and I was in the cop car scared because I was going to jail and I was afraid that I would never be able to meet your plans but you got me through and now i know that you can change my life too beautiful and very happy and smile when you have a awesome God guiding through tough times and I believe he will come through for Ben Updike again like he has done so many times in my struggle and hardness because nothing is hard for God to handle it god and Jesus are a zillion times my heroes and perfect to me forever and ever until I die i want to be able to travel and be happy from this day forward and until I die. Jesus is coming back again I believe that Jesus christ is my savior and healer and rescuer from the darkness of Satan and he will restore my life and future around so I can be able to reach his plan he had for me since the day I was born he had a dream come true wish for Benjamin guy Updike and now he has been waiting and patience for his answers God i want to be out of Satan's grasp and i want you to come in my heart and soul and mind and decisions and make me heal chronic lyme disease for good and start living life with you and Jesus by my side forever and always because I love you so much I miss u everyday and I want you to put Benjamin guy Updike back together and give him my life plans and dream life skills i have for him to live a happy life and enjoy it too the fullest show Benjamin guy Updike in Springville Utah is gifts and his fun future has for him and give him the power of God's love to him heal his mind and body and his heart and brain and his ear noice and put him back together in his body and help his nerves and thoughts heal with the power and love of Jesus christ the son of God amen
I pray for my love to return to our family permanently and completely healed, please Father answer my prayers. In Jesus' mighty and powerful and miraculous name I pray Amen
I pray the Lord removes the anxiety from my life in Jesus's name.

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