
Angel Grace Blessing

Today's Message of The Day

Prayer to Our Lady of Luján, Miraculous Intercessor and Patroness of Argentina

O Most Blessed Virgin Mary,
Our Lady of Luján,
I come before you with a heart full of gratitude and devotion,
To honor you as the Patroness of Argentina,
And to remember the miraculous intervention
That revealed your divine will so many years ago.
You, who caused the oxen to stop
At the place where you wished to remain,
Showed us that you are ever-present,
Guiding your children with love and care.

O Loving Mother,
You chose the humble land of Luján
As your resting place,
A beacon of faith and hope for the people of Argentina
And for all those who call upon your name.
Through the miracle of the oxen,
You demonstrated your power and your desire
To be with your people,
Protecting them, guiding them,
And leading them closer to your Son, Jesus Christ.
I ask you now, O Holy Mother,
To intercede for me and for all those who seek your help,
Just as you have done for countless others throughout history.

O Our Lady of Luján,
Patroness of Argentina,
You are a Mother to all who turn to you in faith,
Offering your protection and your grace
To those in need.
I ask for your intercession in my life,
That you may guide me with the same love
That you have shown to the people of Argentina.
In times of uncertainty and doubt,
Be my pillar of strength and my source of hope.
In times of suffering and hardship,
Be my comfort and my healer.

O Blessed Mother,
You are known for your miraculous interventions,
For hearing the prayers of your children
And answering them with the tenderness of a loving mother.
I ask that you look upon me with the same compassion,
And grant me the grace to persevere
Through the challenges I face.
Just as you were a guiding light
For the pilgrims who came to Luján seeking your help,
Be my light in the darkness,
Leading me on the path to your Son.

O Our Lady of Luján,
Protector of travelers and guardian of the faithful,
I ask for your protection as I journey through life.
Watch over me and my loved ones,
And keep us safe from harm.
Just as you protected those who traveled to your shrine,
Keep us under your mantle,
Sheltered from danger,
And guided by your loving hand.
May your miraculous presence accompany me
Wherever I go,
And may I always feel your nearness
In moments of fear and uncertainty.

O Mother of Miracles,
Countless are the stories of those who have come to you in prayer,
Only to leave with hearts full of joy and gratitude
For the miracles you have worked in their lives.
I come to you now, O Holy Mother,
With my own petitions,
Asking for your miraculous intervention
In the areas of my life that need healing,
Restoration, and grace.
Just as you answered the prayers of the people of Argentina,
Answer my prayers with your loving kindness,
And help me to trust in the goodness of your intercession.

O Our Lady of Luján,
You are the Patroness of Argentina,
And your presence is a source of unity and strength
For all who seek your intercession.
I pray for the people of Argentina,
That they may continue to grow in faith and devotion to you,
And that your protection may be upon them in all things.
I ask for your blessings upon the leaders of the nation,
That they may govern with wisdom, compassion, and justice,
And that they may always seek to serve the common good.
May your presence in the heart of Argentina
Bring peace and healing to the land,
And may your love be a guiding force
For all those who call upon you.

O Blessed Virgin Mary,
You are the refuge of sinners and the hope of the hopeless.
When I feel lost or afraid,
I will turn to you,
Knowing that you are always near,
Ready to offer your help and protection.
In moments of weakness,
I will remember the strength you gave to those
Who sought your intercession at Luján,
And I will trust that you will provide for me as well.
Help me to grow in faith,
To trust in the power of prayer,
And to always seek the will of God in my life.

O Our Lady of Luján,
I thank you for the many graces you have already bestowed upon me,
For your constant protection,
And for being a mother who never abandons her children.
Just as the people of Argentina have turned to you
In times of need and in times of joy,
So too do I turn to you,
Confident that you will hear my prayers
And bring them before your Son,
Who loves us with an infinite and merciful love.

As I pray to you today,
I entrust my heart and my life to your care,
Knowing that you will never forsake me.
O Loving Mother,
Be my guide, my protector, and my advocate,
Now and always.
Through your intercession,
May I receive the grace to live a life
That is pleasing to God,
And may I always remain faithful
To the teachings of your Son.

O Our Lady of Luján,
Miraculous intercessor,
Patroness of Argentina,
I offer you my prayers, my heart, and my life,
In love and devotion.
Pray for me, O Holy Mother,
And help me to always remain close to you
And to your Son, Jesus Christ.



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