
Angel Grace Blessing

Mother Mary's Message of the Day

I’m Here To Remind You Of Your Capabilities When You Start To Doubt Yourself

Do you ever feel like you've reached your breaking point?

It seems as though you are at a standstill. It can hurt and make you feel like you can't move forward any farther. However, you are also aware that if you stay put, you will experience stagnation. What's worse, you're not certain the discomfort of staying still or the discomfort of continuing on when it seems impossible to do so.

Dearest one, I am aware that occasionally you doubt your ability and self-confidence. This frequently occurs when you try something and fail. You eventually become frustrated by it, and you start to believe that you're not good enough. It's only normal for my kids to try to accomplish things on their own. But that frequently results in failure. You require the aid of a greater power. I'm here to give you the extra fortitude you require.

When you establish a goal and put a lot of effort into accomplishing it, it's only normal to anticipate success. But isn't that not the case sometimes? Therefore, if for some reason you are unable to accomplish that aim, it does not imply that you are incapable or less than. I beg you to stop letting one failure, or even a few, control you and place restrictions on your life.

Many trials and errors were required to get where some of the most successful persons in this century are now. They claim that failures serve as stepping stones on which you might progress steadily toward success. Don't let a single setback cause you to give up on your goals. Carry on. Persevere. And “try again if the first time doesn't work.” Very few people succeed the first time around. So, try to be kinder to yourself.

You are intelligent, my dear kid, and God has bestowed upon you a variety of admirable traits and abilities. There is a light within of you that should not be extinguished by self doubt since you have a big ambition. Do not cloak your brightness or hide yourself. The world needs to see the brightness you have to offer, after all. assist to illuminate their path God only created one of you because He requires each and every one of your talents. Only you are able to contribute your unique talents.

I wish that you know you are limitless and that you should never feel insufficient, my beloved one. You are gifted and possess special skills. Simply when someone made you feel unworthy, you shouldn't disregard them. If you allow someone to knock you down and hold you back by carrying the burden of their hurtful remarks, you are allowing them to succeed. Give them no advantage over you. Let God's opinion of you be your primary source of self-worth. He deeply loves you and is incredibly proud of the person you are and the accomplishments you have made.

When you pay attention to people who undervalue your potential, my love, my heart breaks for you. And, when you begin to hide the inside light. When you restrict yourself based on other people's opinions, it pains me. I'm here to remind you that, in my role as your mother, I only have nice things in store for you, including every bit of happiness there is. It is my hope that you lead the life that God intends for you and complete the task that you were given.

I implore you to come to me whenever you begin to doubt yourself. I'll be here to prevent the winds of doubt from extinguishing your flame.

Hands Together In Prayer

Please accept my gratitude for believing in me even when I don't believe in myself, Our Lady, my cherished mother. I appreciate you reminding me that I must be the light and not let the outside world put out my flame. I beg you to pray on my behalf so that God may grant me the courage and assurance I need to complete my mission.

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,
not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another
—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." - Hebrews 10:24-25"

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October 22, 2024

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