
Angel Grace Blessing

Today's Message of The Day

13 Ways Of Spending Time With God To Improve Your Life

No matter which stage of life you are going through, you always need to feel reassured that through this journey you are not alone. Spending time with God daily can help you revisit your source of strength and prepare you for the challenges and celebrations. No matter what your day holds, praying about it, mediating, and giving it to God is your means of salvation in this fast-paced world.

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.  (Jeremiah 29:13)

The most consistent support that is ever present, is God. All the earthy ties we make are bound to fade, the tie we establish with God is the only non-volatile support that is readily available, without any spatial or temporal constrictions. Therefore, in order to improve your life we suggest 13 ways of spending time with God which you can follow with your daily routine.

1. Morning Gratitude

Offering gratitude is a source of feeling abundance. It is the most enriching practice because as the famous proverb says, ‘Gratitude turns what you have into enough!’

Famous lifestyle bloggers promote keeping a gratitude journal to remind yourself of the blessings you are grateful for and beginning your day with a positive note. Gratitude helps you see the divine protection of God surrounding you which we ought to neglect while striving in our daily life. So, try maintaining a gratitude journal as a part of your new year resolution!

2. Safe Haven

By safe haven we mean that seek retreat in the most peaceful spot of your home and spend some quiet time to contemplate. It can be your closet! Jesus retreated too to be with God! Mathew 6:6 is asking us to pray in secret. The quiet retreat time you spend with God is going to improve your faith as well as your outlook for many things in life.

3. Drive With Purpose

If you have a busy schedule that does not allow you to release a couple of moments for reflection, make use of the driving hours! You can spend time with God while going to work or going anywhere as a matter of fact. Often, we crowd our mind with worries during the drive time, however, what if we fill that time by something as constructive as spending time with God? You will experience great improvement in your mood. Try it!

4. Take Tiny Steps Towards God

You do not have to overhaul your life suddenly. Tiny steps towards improvement go a long way to ensure consistent efforts. Each day, spend 10 minutes reading bible. You will find the scriptures resonating with you. Spending time reading the scriptures is like hearing what God is speaking to you. The experience is wholesome and life changing.

5. Use The Resources

If reading bible is again a challenge to incorporate in your busy routine, try switching to more effective means such as audio biblical resources. You can listen to bible while driving, cooking, or even walking.

6. Pray And Believe

Each day, take a brief moment to pray. Prayers reaffirm your faith, provide hope, and ease the burdens. Make a habit of praying and believing that you are being heard. Philippians 4:6

7. Keep A Bible Journal

A lot of lifestyle bloggers and influencers have incorporated a habit of keeping a bible journal. Yes! It’s a real thing. It is way of capturing your love of God through a creative lens. It is a way of reflecting on scriptures while using your talents, so you can closely relate to the scriptures and jot down how the scripture is speaking to you! Proverbs 3:5-6

8. Notice And Ignore Distractions

It is very common to detract from your consistent behaviors because of distractions. Make sure you are mindful when you are trying to spend time with God and do that without any excuse regularly to feel the impact of it on your life. If worries, anxiety, and your routine are distracting you from spending time with God then perhaps it’s a sign to realign your routine and cut negativity from your life! Think and reflect on your distractions, find their root causes, and eliminate them if they instill unhealthy patterns in your life.

9. Make Room For God

Fill your life with the love of God for the abundance and positivity to emanate from your being. Consciously make room for God in your life and you will find more ways to spend time with God.

10. Pause

Through your busy routine, encourage yourself to pause briefly and reflect on God. You can pause and focus on your breathing. Simple gratitude for that breath is going to change your vision towards life while making you relax. This activity is good for stress management as well as spending time with God.

11. Meal Blessings

Whenever you are done having a meal or you indulge in snacking, that time is perfect to speak with God. Thanking God for the meals you had and speaking to God while snacking is going to save you from entangling yourself into anxious thoughts, worries, and procrastination.

12. Be By Yourself

Every once in a while, take a break from excessive socialization. Go to the beach or take a walk just to reflect and speak to God.

13. Church Visits

Make sure that every once in a while, you lead yourself to visit the church, to listen to the scripture and just speak to God!


Spending time with God is the most effective means of enriching your life with positivity, curbing daily stress, managing your time, and mitigating anxiety. Use these suggestions to spend time with God and you will see more avenues of seeking closeness to God open for you. You will experience abundance and contentment, which is a real luxury in this era!

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