
Angel Grace Blessing

Today's Message of The Day

Urgent Prayer for Swift Help and Divine Protection to Our Lady of Prompt Succor

O Blessed Virgin Mary,
Our Lady of Prompt Succor,
Most loving Mother,
We turn to you in confidence and trust.
You, who have always been swift to assist those in need,
Come quickly to our aid now.
We seek your intercession,
Knowing that you never fail to help your children
In their times of trial and distress.

O Loving Mother,
In moments of danger, uncertainty, and fear,
We ask for your protection.
Just as you came to the aid of the Ursuline sisters
In their time of peril,
We ask that you come to our assistance,
Sheltering us from harm and guiding us with your tender care.
Protect us from every danger—
From physical harm, from spiritual temptation,
And from the anxieties that weigh heavily upon us.
With your mantle of love,
Guard us against all that threatens our peace.

O Mother of Prompt Succor,
You are the refuge of those who call upon you.
When life becomes overwhelming,
When decisions feel impossible,
And when we are unsure of the path ahead,
We seek your counsel and wisdom.
Through your intercession,
Grant us the clarity to know God’s will,
And the courage to follow His divine plan for our lives.
Help us to trust in God’s providence,
Even when the way forward seems unclear.

O Our Lady of Prompt Succor,
We ask for your swift and sure help
In all areas of our lives.
Whether we face personal struggles,
Family hardships, or challenges in our world,
We know that you are always with us,
Ready to answer our pleas.
Intercede for us before your Son, Jesus Christ,
That we may be filled with His grace and strength,
And that we may be delivered from all that troubles our hearts.

O Merciful Mother,
You responded swiftly to the prayers of the faithful in times past,
And you continue to be the source of hope and strength for all who seek you.
We ask for your intercession on behalf of those who are suffering today—
For the sick and the dying, for those who are oppressed,
For those who feel forgotten and alone.
Grant them your comfort,
And may they feel your loving presence
As they endure their struggles.

O Holy Mother,
Guide us in our daily lives.
When we face decisions that test our faith,
When we are burdened by doubt and fear,
Remind us of your presence and your unfailing love.
Help us to trust in God’s will,
Even when we cannot fully understand it.
Grant us the strength to remain faithful to Him,
And the grace to reflect His love in all that we do.

O Our Lady of Prompt Succor,
You have been the source of protection for countless souls,
And we ask you to protect us now.
Watch over our families,
Safeguard our homes,
And keep us from all harm.
Grant us peace of mind and heart,
And may we always place our trust in your maternal care.

O Blessed Mother,
We pray for those who are lost or struggling,
For those who do not know the love of your Son.
Through your intercession,
May they come to know the joy and peace that Christ offers.
Help us to be witnesses of His love,
Spreading His light in our communities,
And bringing hope to those in need.

O Our Lady of Prompt Succor,
We entrust ourselves to you.
In all things, may we turn to you for guidance,
Knowing that you will swiftly come to our aid.
Grant us the grace to persevere in faith,
To live in the light of your Son,
And to walk always in the path of righteousness.
Help us to seek your counsel in times of trouble,
And to trust that you will never abandon us.

O Loving Mother,
You are the swift help of those who trust in you.
We ask you to continue to intercede for us,
Leading us ever closer to your Son,
Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


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