
Angel Grace Blessing

Today's Message of The Day

Prayer to Our Lady of La Vang, Comforter of the Afflicted and Guardian of the Faithful

O Blessed Virgin Mary,
Our Lady of La Vang,
You who appeared to your children in the dense jungle,
In a time of fear, suffering, and uncertainty,
I come before you with a heart full of faith and devotion,
Asking for your grace, your comfort, and your protection.
When our brothers and sisters in Vietnam faced persecution and hardship,
You came to them, shining with compassion,
Dressed in the garments of their land,
With a message of hope and healing.
You brought relief to their weary souls,
Teaching them the healing power of the earth’s herbs,
And blessing them with the strength to persevere.

O Mother of Mercy,
You have always stood by the afflicted,
Those who have suffered for their faith and their love of Christ.
In times of persecution, you are our refuge,
Our shelter from the storms of fear and oppression.
Through your intercession, O Lady of La Vang,
I seek the strength to bear my own trials,
And to hold steadfastly to my faith, no matter what challenges arise.
May I walk with courage, as you taught the faithful of Vietnam,
Never wavering, always trusting in your love.

O Blessed Lady,
You are the Healer of the broken-hearted,
And the Comforter of those who suffer.
As you once revealed to your children the secrets of the forest,
Giving them the herbs that would heal their bodies,
I ask you now to bring healing to my heart,
And to all those who are burdened by illness, pain, or sorrow.
Touch the sick with your gentle hands,
Bring peace to the troubled minds,
And relieve the suffering of those who cry out to you.
O Lady of La Vang, be our source of hope,
And teach us to trust in God’s mercy and love.

Our Lady of La Vang,
You are the Mother of the Vietnamese people,
The patroness of all who call upon you in faith,
And a symbol of resilience for those who endure.
Guide the faithful across the world,
And especially those of Vietnamese heritage,
That they may always remember your love,
Your courage, and your example of perseverance.
May we all be inspired by your story,
To stand firm in our faith, no matter the struggles we face.
Through your intercession, O Holy Mother,
Grant peace and unity to the Vietnamese people,
And to all who seek your guidance and protection.

O Gentle Lady,
Who appeared amidst the tall trees of La Vang,
I ask that you surround me with your love,
And let your grace fall upon me like the healing rains.
Be my comfort in times of sorrow,
And my strength when the weight of the world feels too heavy.
Help me to remember that, as you have appeared to many in times past,
You are always with us, watching over your children,
Bringing us closer to the heart of your Son.

Dear Mother of La Vang,
As I seek your blessings and protection,
I offer my heart and my prayers to you.
May my life reflect the courage of those who saw you in the forest,
May my faith be as strong as theirs,
And may I always trust in your loving care.
Guide me in my journey, O Lady of La Vang,
And lead me on the path that brings me closer to God.
May I find in you the strength to face my trials,
The peace to calm my fears,
And the grace to live a life that honors your name.

O Mother of La Vang, beloved Guardian of the Faithful,
I entrust myself to your care,
And I ask you to watch over me, my family,
And all who turn to you in their times of need.
Be our advocate before the throne of God,
And may your presence bring us the healing, comfort, and hope we seek.
Thank you, O Lady of La Vang, for your love and protection,
And for the gift of your enduring presence among us.
We praise and honor you, now and forever.


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