
Angel Grace Blessing

Mother Mary's Message of the Day

Joyfully Praise God With All Of Your Heart

You must have heard the one who sings and prays twice, dear one. A happy heart works like medicine, according to Proverbs 17:22, while a broken soul dries the bones.

You know, there is a lot of hatred and unhappiness in the world. However, you can shield yourself from all of this by thanking God.

It doesn't matter what you're going through or the problems you're having. Never let your heart be silent in anything when it may be singing with joy. or the words that come out of your mouth.

Do not let any hardship drag you down or rob you of your tranquility. Instead, be upbeat, use nice words, and enjoy the journey of life.

This does not imply that everything will go according to plan or that you will have the friendship of everyone.

Although not everyone will be your buddy, all of these things are outside of you and cannot directly affect how peaceful you are. But if you let them in, it will sap your inner delight.

A healthy soul grows in a heart that is full of delight. Protect yours with all of your might and deny the opponent the chance to contaminate it with his falsehoods and treachery. Don't let the negative prevail.

Let everyone know that you are a child of heaven by smiling frequently. Your face will radiate my adoration.

Give your joy to me and I will help you maintain it when you are faced with circumstances that threaten it.

You must constantly keep in mind something very important, my beloved. Pardon others. If you harbor resentments, you will waste the delight you have.

Do you understand what it is to let the transgressions of others bring you down? People sometimes compare refusing to forgive others to drinking poison and expecting the other person to perish.

You injure no one except yourself. And you refuse to forgive yourself.

Another justification for forgiving others is to receive atonement for your own misdeeds. God claims that He will pardon us if we pardon others.

Do not allow your adversary to sow the seeds of hatred within you. It will force you to lead a life of desolation marked by anguish and a desire for retribution.

Do not concern yourself with that; I will bring your adversaries to justice. Keep in mind that I will exact justice. So don't waste your time harboring resentments.

When you call upon me, I will provide you the grace to accomplish all of this. I'll illuminate your spirit with my light and sow the seeds of joy there.

Also, my kid, I want you to be very giving. This is a simple approach to draw joy to yourself. Help others.

Although cash donations are very helpful, you can also contribute non-material goods like kindness, wise counsel, and your time.

Your actions and sense of judgment reflect the joy you feel in your heart. An hopeful heart is constantly full of joy.

And when you have optimism, you will perceive things favorably. It will increase your good fortune and increase your happiness. More delight spreads itself. More blessings and miracles will come your way the happy you are, so focus on that.

Psalm 98:4. Says “Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth; Break forth in song, rejoice, and sing praises.”

Don't forget to tell your friends about your happy experiences. Inform others when nice things happen to you. Don't keep your good fortune or miraculous experiences to yourself when the Lord has blessed you. They will become more animated, and it will also help them adopt a pleasant attitude. A floodgate of further blessings will open when they are in a joyful mindset and begin to recognize their own blessings. Additionally, the impact will spread widely.

Hands Together In Prayer

Oh Mother of divine favors and countless blessings, grant me a little of your joy and gladness.

Help me to enjoy and be happy in whatever I do and encounter.

Let me find joy and happiness despite the difficult circumstances.

Give me the ability to forgive others and put my need for vengeance aside.

Please open my eyes so I can see things clearly and never lose my joy.


"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,
not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another
—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." - Hebrews 10:24-25"

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October 22, 2024

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