
Angel Grace Blessing

Today's Message of The Day

Miraculous Prayer To The Seven Sorrows Of The Blessed Virgin Mary Asking For A Miracle In Need Today

Let us pray together today.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Oh Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Sorrows, we come before you in humble prayer, acknowledging the immense suffering you endured for the sake of humanity. In meditating on your Seven Sorrows, we seek solace and strength, and we implore your intercession and grace. Please gather our intentions and present them to your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. We offer this prayer in your honor, reflecting on the depths of your sorrows.

First Sorrow: The Prophecy of Simeon

O Mother of Sorrows, in the temple, when Simeon foretold the piercing of your soul, your heart must have been filled with profound anguish. Teach us to surrender to the will of God, even in the face of great suffering. May we trust in His plan for our lives, knowing that He can transform our sorrows into sources of grace and redemption.

We pray for those who find themselves in situations of uncertainty and distress. May they find strength and consolation in your loving embrace. Help us to trust in God's providence, knowing that He is with us in our darkest moments, guiding us towards the light of His love.

Second Sorrow: The Flight into Egypt

Holy Mary, as you fled to Egypt with the infant Jesus, you experienced fear, uncertainty, and the pain of displacement. We pray for all those who are forced to leave their homes due to violence, persecution, or poverty. Be their comfort, their guide, and their protector. Help us to recognize the dignity of every human person and to extend our compassion and support to those in need.

Mother of Exiles, watch over all refugees and migrants, those who seek a better life for themselves and their families. Help us to create societies that welcome the stranger, provide refuge, and promote justice and peace. Inspire us to build bridges of understanding and solidarity, breaking down the walls that divide us.

Third Sorrow: The Loss of the Child Jesus in the Temple

Mother of Sorrows, your heart was filled with sorrow when you and Joseph searched for Jesus and found Him in the temple. Help us to seek Jesus with the same fervor, to never lose sight of Him in our lives. Grant us the wisdom to recognize His presence in the Eucharist, in the Scriptures, and in our brothers and sisters. May we always strive to abide in Him and follow His teachings.

Guide us, dear Mother, in our journey of faith. Teach us to listen attentively to God's word and to respond with humble obedience. May our hearts be open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, that we may grow in wisdom and grace. Lead us to the path of holiness, where we may encounter your Son and be transformed by His love.

Fourth Sorrow: Meeting Jesus on the Way to Calvary

Oh Virgin of Sorrows, your encounter with Jesus as He carried His cross must have been agonizing. Help us to embrace our own crosses and to carry them with courage, patience, and love. Teach us to unite our sufferings with those of Christ, that our trials may become an offering of love and a source of redemption for ourselves and others.

In a world marked by pain and injustice, strengthen us to be instruments of compassion and mercy. Inspire us to alleviate the burdens of others, to stand in solidarity with the oppressed, and to work tirelessly for justice and peace. Help us to see the face of Christ in the marginalized and to respond with selflessness and generosity.

Fifth Sorrow: The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus

Mother Mary, as you stood at the foot of the cross, your heart was pierced by unimaginable sorrow. You witnessed the sacrifice of your Son for the salvation of the world. Grant us the strength to stand by those who suffer, to be present to them in their pain, and to offer them consolation and love. Help us to understand the depth of God's love manifested through Christ's sacrifice and to live our lives in gratitude and service.

In the face of violence, hatred, and division, inspire us to be instruments of reconciliation and peace. Teach us to embrace forgiveness and to seek unity among all people. May we be ambassadors of Christ's love, extending His mercy and compassion to all those we encounter. Guide us in the path of humility and selflessness, that we may truly be Christ's witnesses in the world.

Sixth Sorrow: The Descent from the Cross

Oh Mother of Sorrows, as you received the lifeless body of Jesus in your arms, the world stood in silence. We pray for all those who have lost loved ones, especially parents who have lost children. Comfort them in their grief, console them in their sorrow, and grant them the hope of the resurrection. Help us to be a source of support and compassion to those who mourn, that they may find solace in our presence and in the promise of eternal life.

Grant us the grace to be attentive to the needs of others, to offer our time, presence, and empathy to those who are grieving. May we be instruments of healing and consolation, shining the light of Christ's love into the darkness of sorrow and loss. Strengthen our faith in the resurrection, that we may find comfort and hope in the promise of eternal life with God.

Seventh Sorrow: The Burial of Jesus

Holy Mary, as you laid your Son's body in the tomb, the weight of sorrow must have overwhelmed you. Yet, you embraced hope in the promise of His resurrection. Teach us to trust in the triumph of life over death, and to live our lives in joyful anticipation of the glory that awaits us. Help us to offer prayers and acts of reparation for the sins of the world, that through your intercession and the grace of your Son, the world may be renewed and redeemed.

Grant us the grace to live as Easter people, always mindful of the victory won by Christ over sin and death. Inspire us to embrace the hope that springs from His resurrection, knowing that through Him, all things are made new. Help us to live in joyful anticipation of the eternal life promised to us, confident in the knowledge that nothing can separate us from the love of God.

Oh Mother of Sorrows, we entrust ourselves and our intentions to your loving care. Through your intercession, may we grow closer to your Son, Jesus, and find solace in His embrace. As we journey through the sorrows of life, may we never lose sight of the eternal joy that awaits us in heaven.


Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.


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