
Angel Grace Blessing

Mother Mary's Message of the Day

I’ll Put You On The Right Path And Clear Your Path For Success

My dear, life is a journey paved with difficulties and stumbling blocks. There are also many confusing options and intriguing possibilities.

You may feel pretty overwhelmed if you are walking along a trail and encounter a significant fork in the road. There may even be more than two options in front of you, leaving you with a wide variety of options to pick from.

But today, I want to assure you that I will put you on the proper path and help you succeed. When faced with challenges, many people give up. It will serve as a constant reminder that I am with you in your life, so keep your head high and live by the phrase, “My light will shine on your path.”

The psalmist wrote:
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path”
Psalm 119: 105

I'll make sure you succeed and I'll offer you a ton of blessings.
If you have faith in me, put in a lot of effort and leave the rest up to me. Give it your all, and I'll handle the rest.

You can get in touch with me if you're stuck and don't see a way out. I'll help you get back on track by picking you up. You have a guarantee from God that He won't abandon you. Recognize His promises. They're accurate.

Keep in mind that you will experience challenges, temptations, and failures. The adversary has placed them there as traps to deter you from moving. Always keep in mind why you are here when things are tough. to achieve success in life and leave a small but meaningful mark on the planet. to illuminate God's light for a dark world. in order to exalt His name. When you are weak, call my name, and I will help you.

My Child, be good to yourself and follow the rules. Sow quality seeds. Work hard, and I'll finish your project and make everything lovely when I have time. I am able to reward your efforts with good fruit.

You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours.”

– Psalms 128: 2

To accomplish your objectives, you could be tempted to take short routes or other shortcuts. Do your research and remember who you are. a prince's child. Keep up your good deeds and resist the urge to let evil individuals steal you away. Always do your work as if it were for the Lord. with sincerity and honesty. In paradise, they will receive rewards.

Do not become overly fixated on living your ideal life while you are still young. You will eventually discover that having a loving relationship with God, rather than having money, is what makes people happy. Be tolerant. Ask for my forgiveness and never give up your hope. Even before you ask me, I am aware of your heart's wishes. I'll carry things out for you. In my ideal moment.
When you're young, it's easy to assume you know everything. that you have reached adulthood and are endowed with adult wisdom by nature. But keep in mind to be modest. Be willing to learn. Wisdom can only be acquired via experience. Age also contributes to that. Honor your elders and take advice from them. You'll have better career success as a result of this. And the Lord will continue to bless you.

Hands Together In Prayer

Oh Mother of countless mercies, guide me in making the proper choices as I navigate this life. Give me clarity when I'm uncertain. Help me maintain my composure and courage so that I can make the correct decisions and go forward.

My efforts will be crowned with success, and your abundance will be used to bestow upon me prosperity. Please help me to avoid being corrupt in my quest for fortune. And please increase my harvest when the time is perfect.


"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,
not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another
—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." - Hebrews 10:24-25"

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October 5, 2024

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