
Angel Grace Blessing

Today's Message of The Day

Prayer to Our Lady of Mercy: For Compassion, Liberation, and Mercy

O Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Mercy,
Mother of compassion and tenderness,
We come before you today with humble hearts,
Seeking your powerful intercession and loving embrace.
You, who have been a source of mercy for countless souls,
Look upon us now with the same motherly care,
And guide us through the trials and burdens of this life.
In your radiant mercy, we find hope;
In your maternal love, we discover strength.
You are our refuge in times of suffering,
Our comfort in moments of despair.

O Mother of Mercy,
You have always been there for those who are imprisoned,
Whether by chains of injustice or by the bondage of sin.
You have freed captives through your intercession,
And you continue to liberate souls from spiritual captivity.
We turn to you, O compassionate Mother,
With our own chains, our own burdens,
And ask that you break the bonds that keep us from knowing the fullness of your Son’s love.
Intercede for us before the throne of God,
That we may be freed from the sins and fears that imprison our hearts.
Deliver us from the darkness that blinds us,
And help us walk in the light of Christ,
Who is our Savior and Redeemer.

Our Lady of Mercy,
Your heart is ever attentive to the cries of the poor,
The suffering, and the marginalized.
You are a mother who never abandons her children,
Especially those most in need of mercy.
Look upon the downtrodden,
Those who suffer from the injustices of the world,
And those whose spirits are crushed by the weight of despair.
Intercede for them, O Mother,
That they may find relief from their sufferings,
And know the comfort of God’s love.

For the imprisoned, both in body and soul,
We ask for your mercy and compassion.
You, who inspired the great work of St. Peter Nolasco and the Mercedarian Order,
Who freed captives and brought hope to those in chains,
Continue to inspire us today
To reach out to those who are imprisoned by fear,
By addiction, by violence, and by all forms of oppression.
Help us to be instruments of your mercy in the world,
That we may work for the liberation of all God’s children.
Teach us to show mercy to one another,
As your Son has shown mercy to us.

Our Lady of Mercy,
We entrust to you all who are in need of physical and spiritual healing.
For those who are sick and suffering,
Be their comfort and healing balm.
For those who are lost and wandering,
Be their guide and light.
For those who are held captive by sin,
Be their deliverer and advocate.
We ask that through your powerful intercession,
All who are bound may be set free,
And all who are broken may be made whole.

O Merciful Mother,
Teach us to be merciful as you are merciful.
Help us to forgive those who have wronged us,
And to seek reconciliation in our relationships.
Show us how to love with a heart that is pure and unselfish,
So that we may reflect the love of Christ to all we meet.
Grant us the grace to be patient in trials,
Humble in service, and generous in charity.
May we always seek to be channels of your mercy in a world that is so often in need of compassion.

We ask for your maternal protection,
As we navigate the challenges of life.
Keep us close to your heart,
And shield us from the dangers that threaten our faith.
Help us to trust in your Son’s divine providence,
Even when we cannot see the path ahead.
In moments of doubt,
Be our source of confidence;
In times of fear,
Be our source of peace.
Guide us, dear Mother,
On the path of righteousness,
That we may one day join you in the eternal joy of Heaven.

O Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Mercy,
We place ourselves under your protection,
Trusting in your loving care for all who turn to you.
We ask that you continue to intercede for us before your Son,
That we may receive the grace we need to follow Him faithfully,
And to live lives that reflect His love and mercy.
Grant us the strength to persevere in times of trial,
The wisdom to discern God’s will,
And the courage to carry out His mission of love in the world.

We pray especially for those who feel abandoned or forgotten,
For those who suffer in silence,
And for those who are in desperate need of mercy.
Be their comfort and their hope,
As you have been for countless generations before.
Lead them to your Son,
The source of all mercy,
That they may find rest in His loving embrace.

O Mother of Mercy,
Our Lady of Ransom,
Pray for us and for the whole world.
May your mantle of protection cover us,
And may your prayers bring us closer to the heart of Jesus,
Who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
One God, forever and ever.



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