
Angel Grace Blessing

Today's Message of The Day

The 5 Common Causes of Third Eye Blockage—and How to Heal

The Third Eye Chakra, or Ajna in Sanskrit, is your gateway to higher consciousness, intuition, and insight. It sits between your eyebrows, a symbolic seat of inner vision and wisdom. Think of it as your personal GPS for navigating life’s deeper mysteries—guiding you beyond what’s in front of your eyes to what lies within.

When this energy center is open, clarity reigns. You feel connected to your inner guidance, inspired, and able to visualize dreams into reality. But when it’s blocked, life can feel clouded, uncertain, and confusing. Have you ever struggled to see a path forward or felt disconnected from your purpose? Chances are, your Third Eye Chakra might be closed or underactive.

So, how does this vital chakra become blocked, and how can we unblock it? Let’s dive into the reasons that cause this closure and, at the end, we’ll offer a prayer to help you open the flow once again.

Common Causes That Close Your Third Eye Chakra

  1. Overactive Mind: Living in a State of Mental Overload

Our minds are powerful—capable of both brilliant insight and overwhelming chatter. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to slip into a state of constant overthinking. When your mind is always racing, your Third Eye can become overwhelmed and essentially shut down to protect itself from mental exhaustion.

Consider your daily life: Are you endlessly analyzing every detail? Are you constantly bombarded with information, both consciously and subconsciously? This mental clutter can prevent the subtle and intuitive messages from flowing in. The Third Eye thrives in stillness, but if your mind never gets a break, it becomes difficult for that inner voice to be heard.

  1. Lack of Trust in Your Intuition

How many times have you had a gut feeling or flash of insight, only to dismiss it as irrational or illogical? The modern world tends to prioritize logic over intuition, and when we repeatedly ignore our instincts, we essentially dim the light of our Third Eye.

Your intuition is like a muscle—the more you use it, the stronger it becomes. But if you constantly doubt your intuitive hits, that muscle atrophies. Over time, your ability to trust yourself diminishes, and so does the function of your Third Eye Chakra.

  1. Attachment to the Physical World

We live in a materialistic society where success is often measured by tangible achievements—money, possessions, status. While there’s nothing wrong with enjoying the physical aspects of life, becoming overly attached to them can create a disconnection from your inner self.

The Third Eye Chakra helps you see beyond the surface, offering insights that transcend the material world. When you’re focused too much on external validation or the physical realm, you limit your ability to tap into the higher wisdom available to you.

  1. Fear of the Unknown

The Third Eye Chakra is linked to your ability to perceive things that aren’t visible to the naked eye. It encourages you to venture beyond the limits of the known, to trust in things unseen. But for many people, this can be frightening. Opening the Third Eye often means embracing uncertainty and ambiguity—two things most of us shy away from.

If you’re clinging to the familiar out of fear of what lies ahead, your Third Eye may close off as a form of self-protection. This fear can show up as resistance to new ideas, discomfort with change, or avoidance of deeper truths.

  1. Emotional Suppression

Emotions and intuition are closely linked. When you suppress your feelings, whether out of fear, denial, or societal pressure, you also suppress your intuitive faculties. For the Third Eye to remain open, there needs to be an acceptance of your full emotional experience.

Suppressing emotions like sadness, anger, or anxiety creates blockages in the energy flow. Over time, these emotional blockages can create a shield around your Third Eye, preventing you from seeing things clearly or accessing your inner wisdom.

How to Unblock Your Third Eye Chakra

Now that we’ve covered the factors that cause the Third Eye Chakra to close, let’s talk about how to reopen it. Here are a few simple yet powerful techniques that can help.

  1. Meditation for Mental Clarity

Meditation is one of the most effective ways to quiet the overactive mind and tap into your inner vision. By sitting in stillness, you create the space for intuition and insight to arise. Focus on your breath, and with each exhale, imagine releasing any mental clutter or distractions.

You can also visualize a deep indigo light, the color associated with the Third Eye Chakra, expanding from the center of your forehead. Let this light dissolve any blockages, restoring the flow of energy to this chakra.

  1. Journaling to Strengthen Intuition

Writing down your thoughts, feelings, and intuitive hits is a powerful way to reconnect with your inner guidance. Journaling helps clear mental clutter and allows you to reflect on patterns or insights that might not be immediately obvious.

Dedicate a few minutes each day to writing freely—don’t censor yourself. Allow your subconscious mind to speak through the pen. Over time, you may notice a heightened sense of clarity and connection to your intuition.

  1. Crystals for Chakra Healing

Certain crystals can help activate and balance the Third Eye Chakra. Some popular stones for this purpose include amethyst, lapis lazuli, and fluorite. Simply carrying or meditating with these crystals can help restore energy flow to your Third Eye.

Place a crystal on your forehead during meditation or wear it as jewelry throughout the day. Let its healing energy support the opening of your chakra.

  1. Eye Exercises and Visualization

Engage in exercises that focus on your eyes and vision. Close your eyes and imagine a vibrant indigo light expanding outward. This visualization exercise can help stimulate your Third Eye and clear blockages.

You can also practice gazing at the sky or distant horizons to relax your physical eyes, which in turn helps relax your mental eyes—the Third Eye.

  1. Chakra Affirmations and Prayer

Affirmations and prayers are a powerful way to reset your mindset and energy. By affirming your intention to open your Third Eye, you create a mental and spiritual shift that allows the energy to flow more freely.

Here’s a chakra prayer to help you on your journey.

Third Eye Chakra Prayer for Intuition and Inner Wisdom

Divine Source of All Wisdom,

I come before you with a humble heart, seeking clarity, insight, and truth.
Open my Third Eye to the light of divine understanding,
Dissolve the veils that cloud my inner vision,
So that I may see beyond the surface of things.
Grant me the courage to trust my intuition,
The strength to embrace uncertainty,
And the wisdom to follow the guidance of my higher self.
Let my mind be clear, my heart be open,
And my spirit attuned to your eternal wisdom.
In your infinite grace, I trust.


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