
Angel Grace Blessing

Mother Mary's Message of the Day

Living a Life of Praises

My love, you will discover the ways of knowledge as you become closer to me. You will triumph in every conflict you encounter in life with the help of this insight.

I want you to develop a spirit of worship for me so that you might witness the wonders I work in your life. You'll start to experience great and fantastic things in your life.

I will let the floodgates of heaven open for you when you thank me. Your good fortune will roll in like a river.

I want you to know that when you give thanks to the Lord, you will bless others, enabling them to give thanks to the Lord as well. Additionally, they will experience big and good things throughout their life. You will get blessings when you give me praise.

The number of doors that will be opened to you for favor and opportunity will pleasantly surprise you. You'll experience pleasant things and meet excellent people who will be kind to you. similar to the favor I'll do you personally.

What is impossible will become achievable in my power when you praise and give honor to me. I'll go ahead of you and straighten out all the crooked paths.

You will go from being ordinary to extraordinary when you decide to glorify and worship me. For my glory, you shall be elevated from the pedestal of ordinaryness to extraordinaryness.

I will offer you as a trophy of excellence to kings and other prominent men of the earth when you honor me. You will get tremendous respect and rise to greatness in the sight of heaven.

I will make you happy in your heart when you praise me. Do you still recall what I wrote in my Word?

“Do not grieve for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10).  Wonderful and amazing things will start to happen in your life.

Your mind, body, and soul will spring to life as you thank me. You'll achieve the highest level of achievement in your life. Everyone you encounter will be aware of your Christian love.

Since all the glory belongs to me, when you praise me, I will give you the highest level of respect. I stand as the epitome of honor.

Praise of me opens to you the doors of mercy and grace. You will see every mountain before you brought down and every valley raised.

This is why it's crucial for you to incorporate praise into your daily life. Make it a habit and a part of who you are. You'll live a life that shines brightly and attract those who are looking for the Lord. When you are with God, your face will shine just like Moses' did.

Your opponents will engage in conflict when you worship me because I will send them bewilderment. Because praise is a weapon of war, this is the case.

When you decide to exalt me, I will rise up, take up your cause in all your conflicts, and grant you victory. In your social circle and daily life, incredible breakthroughs will occur. You know what happens when you compliment me.

Since I am God and am the sole recipient of all praise, I want you to learn to give me praise. From the bottom of your heart, I want you to chant songs of praise.

Learn to exalt me with all your might, and then tremendous things will start to happen in your life.

You will rise to greatness when you praise me, and God's glory will light on your life. Because of this, the entire world will be able to witness my beauty through you.

Hands Together In Prayer

I shall thank You, O God, in the morning, at noon, and at night. I'll be singing your praises nonstop.

Give me a heart of praise, Lord, so I can always be glad in You. I am aware that You care about me and want the best for me.

I ask that You provide me the ability to always praise You, regardless of the circumstances.

Please don't allow me be overcome by sadness. Give me inner tranquility so that I can gladly and heartily praise You.


"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,
not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another
—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." - Hebrews 10:24-25"

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October 22, 2024

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