
Angel Grace Blessing

Today's Message of The Day

5 Things To Thank God For This Thanksgiving

Thankfulness seems to be lost nowadays. And some people seem never to find reasons to be grateful. Two prisoners were seated in the library, and one said, “There are never new books; they only bring continued stories.” The man next to him quickly grumbled, “And to think the government will hang me next week.” We sometimes forget that we all have something to be thankful for.
A lot has happened this whole year, but guess what? We are almost closing it up. One more month and the year is done. And just around the corner, we will be celebrating Thanksgiving. From the roundtable discussions and eating of turkeys, we must not forget that the objective of the holiday is gratitude. There are plenty of things we know we're made possible only through God.
Just as the scripture says Isaiah 12:4-5, “Give thanks to the LORD, call on His name. Make known His deeds among the peoples; Make them remember that His name is exalted. Praise the LORD in song, for He has done glorious things; let this be known throughout the earth.”

1. Faith and Salvation

Faith is best expressed when we thank God for a miracle before it even happens. We have seen many blessings this year. Looking back, how many of these miracles do you think would have occurred outside the will of God? Let us be glad that God sustained our faith and strengthened it despite how difficult the conditions were.
He also has kept us saved. Some people's faith got lost in between the hard seasons. At the same time, others forsook their faith in God because of failed prayers. Nevertheless, you are still growing strong in your trust in Him. You are forgiven and cleansed by the Blood of Jesus. What a wonderful blessing!
Lord, thank you for my faith and salvation. Please, continue to help me grow deeper in my relationship with you. Help me never to stop trusting in you. Thank you for hearing me in Jesus Name.  Amen.

2. Family and Friends

So many homes lost their loved ones through diseases, especially pandemics, terrorists, accidents and other unforeseen circumstances. However, God has reserved your family this whole year. It's not a small thing to have a complete family as this year comes to a close. In case you lost a loved one, it is okay to be grateful that God took away their pain and gave them rest. Though it looks  unloving to have taken them from you, they have peace in their promotion to glory.
The gift of friendship cannot be replaced by anything in this world. Friends help us navigate through storms, bear burdens, and handle hardships. We can obtain joy, encouragement and refreshment from God through our friends. It could be a Bible verse on the day of trouble or a prayer, or even time set aside to listen to us. Friends understand what we are going through and can relate to our problems and confusion.
Let's not take for granted the gift of long-standing, all-weather, burden-bearing friends because it's very precious. God made sure we had people holding our hands and reminding us that we were more than conquerors.
Thank you, God, for my family. Thank you for keeping us and preserving us. May you continue protecting us in our daily lives in Jesus Name. God, thank you for my friends. They have refreshed my heart many times. They have held my hands through difficult times and led me back to you. Thank you for keeping them. Amen 

3. Suffering and Problems

Everyone has problems, and this year we had our share of them. Some issues were more difficult than others, but we all have overcome them. What is the biggest challenge or problem you have  had this year? These problems came so that they could teach us how to trust God. Trials train our confidence in Him, our patience, and they beautify our testimony.
Let us change our perspective to view these problems as temporary setbacks to be grateful, knowing that everything is working for our good. (Romans 8:28).
Thank you, Lord, for the challenges I have come across this year. It was a difficult time, but I am grateful that You were with me through them all. Thank you for giving me the strength for going through them. In Jesus Name. Amen

4. Achievements and Health This Year

Let's get back to what we desired to do this year. Observe how much God helped to fulfil those resolutions. Some have been able to finish their bachelor's, masters or doctorate degrees. Is it a permanent job? Is it a house you were finally able to complete or buy? Is it a family that you were able to start? Every achievement is a reason to thank God. Together with all these achievements, God has given us good health. Think about the hospital around your home. Can you imagine how many people walk into it every day with different kinds of infirmities? God has preserved your health throughout the year.
Thank you, Lord, for everything you have helped me achieve this year(mention them by name). Thank you for opening doors for me. I am also grateful that I am in good health and not lying in a health facility. Thank you for preserving me amid the pandemic. In Jesus Name. Amen. 

5. The Gift of Life

“Oh, bless our God, you people! And make the voice of His praise to be heard, Who keeps our soul among the living, And does not allow our feet to be moved”~ Psalms 66:8-9 NKJV.

This bible verse reminds us to bless God because we are alive. Many people have died today through diseases, fires, road accidents, suicide, etc. We can probably also point to specific people in our families we lost through different circumstances; a sister, a brother, a cousin, an aunt, or a child. All these are reminders that being alive is not something we should take for granted.
Thank you, Lord, because I am alive today. I don't take it for granted that I can still breathe and enjoy your faithfulness. Give comfort to those that have lost their family members and friends, and strength in this trying time. Thank you for keeping me. Please help me to do the assignment you have for me in the coming year in Jesus Name. Amen. 

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