
Angel Grace Blessing

Mother Mary's Message of the Day

Why You Must Keep Your Moral Up High

Life's struggles and depressive feelings can often make things appear bleak. It is very simple to succumb to a pessimistic mentality.

You can think that you are at a standstill. that nothing constructive can come from your position. The enemy will sow a variety of seeds of inadequacy and self-doubt in your heart. Keep the seeds dry.

Do not let your circumstances to cause you to think negatively. I'll be there with you. As I stated to the disciples on the day of my ascension.

Your difficulties are transient, but I will always be here. Don't let short-term problems make you depressed in the long run.

Your trials will make you fitter and stronger, much like climbing a mountain does. Keep in mind the goal you set when you originally started. the idea of everlasting joy in God's dazzling presence. the idea of a victor and conqueror. the delight of seeing the scenery from the top of the mountain as you approach it. the satisfaction you feel after succeeding.

Keep your head high and never forget those visions. Never forget my uplifting presence. You can call my name and I shall answer. Just say my name, and I will be there for you at all times.

My dear, don't let difficulties keep you from enjoying life or make you terrified of them. Let nothing be able to sway your unwavering faith.

The difficulties are for your own good. They are shaping you just as a sculptor would while creating a stunning statue. Both them and I should be embraced. In the end, you'll be glad. In His time, He beautifies everything. Even if the process hurts, trust Him.

In everything, be joyful. Because you are so cherished, smile frequently. Regardless of the circumstance or state you are in.

Keep an eye out. Be quick to recognize obstacles in your path and make sure your thinking is equipped to deal with them when they appear. Any angle was possible, and occasionally several angles were present at once. in the family. from your pals. from your subordinates or coworkers.

If you're not ready, it might be fatal. You are not an exception. Never claim that it won't happen to you. You are simply human, thus any human tragedy could knock on your door. Consequently, it is crucial to be ready for anything.

Loved ones can cause some of our deepest sorrows and heartaches. Because the people we love the most have the potential to harm us the most. Strangers are unable to benefit. Do you recall Judas kissing Jesus? He was one of Jesus' closest friends, however he betrayed Him with a kiss. Imagine the suffering Jesus went through at that very time. He is well aware of what it is like to be betrayed. Aside from that, keep in mind that Jesus was crucified by the very people He came to redeem. However, His disciples weren't present while He was dying. All of them bolted from panic. Just picture the betrayal.

When things are tough, your pals might desert you. When you need them the most, your loved ones could ignore you. They might even kiss you and then turn on you. Pardon them. Like everyone else, they are sinners.

I'll be here for you, my child. You will survive by my grace. Your tears will be dried up and it will console you.

Do not allow your faith to wane in anything. The only thing that will sustain you is it. Up until you let them, all difficulties are only external to your beliefs. So, stay alert and prepared.

Keep your guard up and defend your religion with everything you've got. It is your most powerful tool for combat on earth.

Keep up the good fight and be brave as a lion. Never give up. I'll be by your side, keeping an eye on you, so you'll win.

When you are weak, my presence will offer you strength. Even if you feel like there is no hope, keep hoping. You can use it as a map when you're lost. It will give you comfort when your heart is weighed down by troubles.

Hands Together In Prayer

Lord, help me to overcome obstacles with your grace. I need your power to handle challenging circumstances.

Please give me the knowledge to act appropriately in those circumstances. And your constant presence to direct my steps.

Be with me, fortify my heart, and keep me from stumbling in the face of difficulty.

Lord, keep me from being too overwhelmed. Accept my efforts and aid me in completing this successfully.


"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,
not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another
—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." - Hebrews 10:24-25"

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October 22, 2024

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