
Angel Grace Blessing

Mother Mary's Message of the Day

The Shadows Are Not To Be Feared

Have you ever had truly terrible days, beloved? when your life seems to be in a rut and you believe you are slowly moving nowhere. when you are so dejected. when your faith seems to be nothing more than a little, flickering fire.

Be at ease; I shall cast a light to lead you on your way through life. I'll follow you as you go. I am with you constantly.

No matter how long and gloomy the night may appear, you must constantly keep in mind that even the darkest night will end with a glorious dawn.

The enemy's first priority is to rob you of your happiness and keep you in the dark forever. However, I'll send my grace. I'll take you out of the shadows and into the light.

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”

– 1 Peter 2:9

Don't let your faith falter when life puts you in challenging circumstances. You shall be carried through by My grace. comparable to a train passing through a dim tunnel. Till you see the light, keep going.

When you start to feel overwhelmed, I'll send you an assistance. If you place your trust in me, I'll keep my word and not disappoint you.

Shadows can take many different shapes. loss of a close relative. being let go from a fantastic job. Health issues could be the result of it. financial difficulties or an immediate necessity.

It can be a desire for justice in your situation. It's possible that someone stole your portion of a completed task. Anything might be the case.

Regardless, my child. You won't be destroyed because I'll be by your side. I'll encourage you and work with you to overcome it successfully.

Let this inspire hope in you, Child. Shadows wouldn't exist if there was no light. Your lamp is not far away. Go on moving. The brightness of your future will blind your adversaries' eyes.

There will undoubtedly be occasions when the sky is clouded over. There'll be a significant deluge. However, you won't perish. You won't be lost in the flood. You will be able to navigate it all if you keep your feet steady.

Be courageous and declare your ownership of me to the world. I'll protect you by wrapping you in my cloak.

Do not allow your situation to force you to live in dread and suffering. The adversary desires that. He wants to steal your happiness and cause you to worry. Stop letting him win.

Move with bravery. Your obstacles will crumble at your feet like defeated foes if you face them with confidence. I'll give you a warrior's heart, and I'll give you courageous eyes. In order to confront your issues with confidence.

You'll overcome this and make it triumphantly to the location I had planned for you. A place for champions. a location free of darkness and impenetrable to the enemy. a wonderful location. A place where there is no more death, sorrow, night, or darkness. only life, light, joy, and serenity.

You will be rewarded for your efforts with a crown. Your adversaries will flee in disgrace when word spreads that I guard my kids like a mother.

Because it gives you victory assurance, guard your trust. Even you move cautiously through the deepest, shadowiest woods. even when you navigate the deepest rivers by swimming. You will succeed because of your faith.

Hands Together In Prayer

Lord, help me through my difficulties and during my dark times when there seems to be no hope.

Make my way clear by going ahead of me.

Don't let me down, or I'll be mocked by my adversaries. As I wait for your light, please give me the courage to make it through the gloomy days and the ability to face the shadows without fear.

Let your light shine in my soul, and let your splendor make my heart sing with joy. Let your heavenly presence spread throughout my life and intervene in my affairs.

Lord, grant me the strength to overcome challenges where others failed. And grant me the strength to hold fast to your love. And I appreciate that I can appreciate your everlasting presence.


"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,
not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another
—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." - Hebrews 10:24-25"

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October 22, 2024

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