
Angel Grace Blessing

Mother Mary's Message of the Day

Sharing and Giving with a Joyful Heart

Utilizing your assets and resources for the benefit of others is the act of sharing. Donating entails giving all of your wealth and stuff away. The two acts complement one another. They work well together, yet none is superior than the other.

Giving and sharing are kind ways to demonstrate God's love for others. However, none of them should be pushed upon you. These charitable deeds are spontaneous and shouldn't be swayed by other forces. The best moment to contribute is usually not when you feel pressured into doing so. The Holy Spirit ought to guide it. However, donors are in low supply at a time when humanity most needs them.

Why are you doing this?

Knowing the genuine motivations for charitable deeds is difficult. Few people give to others with a pure heart and without expecting anything in return. Genuine assistance is given to the less fortunate without conditions.

In front of cameras, some individuals give to the poor or share. They want their kindness to be seen by everyone. At whatever cost, they want approval from the outside world. This may have been done with sentiments of hatred or animosity, which makes it the improper reason. Additionally, the donor can be grumbling and moaning to people closest to them or to themselves.

We must have the ability to contribute cheerfully and selflessly. You won't criticize how much it has cost you financially behind the backs of those in need. The cost of what was sacrificed while giving to the needy is not taken into account by a glad heart, which is also a generous heart. To be able to contribute gladly, one has to have a purpose.

An illustration of the significance of donating with a good intention may be found in Jesus' time:

“And He looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury, and He saw also a certain poor widow putting in two mites. So He said, “Truly I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all; for all these out of their abundance have put in offerings for God, but she out of her poverty put in all the livelihood that she had.”
~ Luke 21:1-4

The elderly widow donated every penny she owned to the collection plate. And Jesus explains to us how much more she has contributed than others who make contributions using their substantial possessions. In order for everyone to witness, the Pharisees invested their money in a spectacular performance. However, the elderly widow kept her charitable donations discreet and covert. She want to remain anonymous. She acted with the proper intent.

The Viewpoint of Society Regarding Joyful Giving

Our local social group is known as society. It's the force behind the development of our thoughts. Our individual decisions are greatly influenced by their opinions. People appreciate and respect those who contribute with joy. They show their love for others by acting in a loving manner, which is why. Before themselves, they prioritize others. How kind of them, huh?

Respect is earned. It doesn't come to you piping hot. You will immediately be regarded highly by society if you are a pleasant giver. The outcome of sincere charity is inevitable. Since there won't be any future blame games, people feel at ease being around such individuals. You experience safety and confidence when giving thanks to them.

What is God's opinion on this?

According to the Bible, you will receive what you give. A good measure that has been run over, shaken together, and pressed down. Giving is seen as a gain by God rather than a loss. It serves as a love token. Just like God offered His only Son to save humanity because He loves the world.

Last but not least, giving and sharing come from a wealthy heart rather than an abundance of cash. We give out of love for those around us rather than out of a desire to share what we have with others. Giving in this way is always appreciated and will bring rewards.

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,
not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another
—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." - Hebrews 10:24-25"

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October 5, 2024

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