O Glorious Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn,
Beloved Mother of Mercy, you stand as a radiant beacon of hope
At the threshold of Vilnius, your arms outstretched in loving welcome.
We come before your miraculous image, the Vilnius Madonna,
With hearts full of devotion, gratitude, and earnest supplication.
Through the ages, you have been the refuge of the oppressed,
The solace of the sorrowful, and the guardian of the faithful.
Your merciful gaze has soothed countless troubled souls,
And your intercession has worked wonders for those in need.
We honor you, O Mother of Mercy, as the vessel of God’s infinite love,
The gentle hand that guides us toward your Son, our Redeemer.
In moments of despair, you are our light.
In times of trial, you are our strength.
When we falter, you lift us up with your tender care.
O Mary, your unwavering presence at the Gate of Dawn reminds us
That no matter how heavy our burdens, we are never alone.
Blessed Mother, we bring to you the pains of the world:
Heal the wounds of the sick, comfort the grieving,
And bring peace to hearts burdened by anxiety and fear.
Intercede for those who have lost their way,
And restore hope to those who feel abandoned.
As you protected Vilnius in times of siege and struggle,
Protect us now from all harm—physical, emotional, and spiritual.
O Queen of Mercy, unite us in your maternal embrace.
Bridge the divisions that separate nations, families, and communities.
Teach us to love one another as Christ loves us,
To forgive as we have been forgiven, and to seek peace above all.
May your example inspire us to be bearers of mercy,
Extending compassion and kindness to all we encounter.
Mother of Divine Protection,
We entrust to you our families, our homes, and our futures.
Guide parents as they nurture their children,
Strengthen relationships with love and understanding,
And bless all who labor in faith and goodness.
May your maternal care watch over us every day,
Shielding us from harm and leading us closer to God.
Our Lady of Vilnius,
You who are adorned in heavenly splendor,
Pray for the Church, that she may remain a steadfast beacon of light.
Pray for our priests and religious leaders,
That they may serve with humility and devotion.
Pray for the youth, that they may grow in faith and virtue.
And pray for the weary and lost, that they may find refuge in your Son’s mercy.
O Blessed Virgin,
Your miraculous intercessions remind us of God’s boundless generosity.
We thank you for the graces you have poured upon your children,
For the miracles that testify to your love and care,
And for the countless ways you continue to guide us toward Heaven.
As we kneel before you, we renew our trust in your unfailing protection.
Help us to surrender our worries, our fears, and our doubts to your care.
Teach us to open our hearts fully to your Son, Jesus Christ,
And to live each day as instruments of His divine mercy and love.
O Mother of the Gate of Dawn,
Be our guiding star in the darkness, our anchor in the storm,
And our advocate before the throne of God.
When our earthly journey is complete,
Lead us safely into the eternal joy of Heaven,
Where we may rejoice with you and all the saints forever.
We praise you, we honor you, and we love you, dear Mother,
Now and always, through Christ our Lord.