
Angel Grace Blessing

Today's Message of The Day

Pray This Prayer Every Morning To Virgin Of Guadalupe Celebration Day Receive An Impossible Miracle

Let us pray together today.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I bow before you, Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe, with a heart overflowing with gratitude for the gift of another day in this precious life. Today, I offer my humble prayer of thanksgiving, acknowledging your intercession and the abundant blessings you have bestowed upon me.

Oh, Virgin of Guadalupe, radiant and merciful mother, you have always been a beacon of hope and comfort for your children. Your miraculous image, imprinted on Juan Diego's cloak, continues to inspire awe and draw countless souls closer to the love of your Son, Jesus Christ.

On this day, I come before you, humbled by the countless graces and miracles that have unfolded in my life. I thank you, dear Mother, for the breath that fills my lungs and the beating of my heart. Your divine intercession has shielded me from harm, guided me through trials, and filled my days with countless blessings.

In the face of challenges and uncertainties, you have been my refuge, my guiding light. Through your loving embrace, I have found solace and strength to navigate the storms of life. You have reminded me that I am never alone, for you, dear Virgin of Guadalupe, walk beside me, whispering words of encouragement and instilling in me the courage to persevere.

Today, I offer my deepest gratitude for the gift of life itself. Each sunrise brings a new dawn, an opportunity to grow, to love, and to serve others. You have taught me to cherish every moment, to embrace the beauty that surrounds me, and to find joy in the simplest of things.

Thank you, Blessed Virgin, for the gift of family and friends, for the bonds of love and the warmth of companionship. You have blessed me with loved ones who bring laughter to my days, who share in my sorrows and triumphs, and who reflect your love and compassion in their words and actions.

I am grateful for the blessings of health and well-being. You have watched over me, shielding me from sickness and harm, and granting me the strength to face each day with resilience and grace. In times of illness, you have been the source of healing and comfort, reminding me that even in moments of suffering, your presence is a balm for my weary soul.

Virgin of Guadalupe, I thank you for the gift of faith. Through your intercession, you have deepened my relationship with your Son, Jesus Christ. You have shown me the path to righteousness, guided me towards forgiveness and reconciliation, and taught me to live a life rooted in love and service.

As I embark on this new day, dear Mother, I offer myself to you. May my thoughts, words, and actions be guided by your example, that I may bring joy to others, offer compassion to those in need, and be a vessel of your love in the world. Grant me the wisdom to recognize the opportunities for growth and the strength to face any challenges that lie ahead.

Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe, I am forever grateful for the gift of this day. With a heart full of thanksgiving, I entrust myself to your loving care, knowing that with you by my side, I am never alone. Through your intercession, may I live this day in a manner worthy of the abundant blessings I have received.

Oh, Most Holy Virgin of Guadalupe, Mother of all mankind and Queen of Heaven, I humbly approach you with a heart full of reverence and trust, seeking your divine intercession. You are the source of solace and strength, the tender refuge in times of trouble. Today, I implore your loving protection and guidance to fulfill the remaining hours of this day.

In your sacred image, you reveal the tenderness of a mother's love, and the miraculous presence of God among us. You appeared to Juan Diego, a humble and faithful servant, in a moment of despair and uncertainty. Your radiant beauty and compassionate words filled him with hope, and you left an indelible mark on his cloak as a sign of your perpetual care.

O Blessed Mother, like Juan Diego, I too am faced with challenges and uncertainties on this earthly journey. Life's burdens and temptations often weigh me down, causing me to stumble on my path. In moments of weakness, I turn to you, seeking your guidance and protection, for I know that in your tender embrace, I will find strength and courage to face the day's trials.

Today, I ask you to envelope me in your loving arms, shielding me from the snares of darkness and evil that seek to lead me astray. Protect me from the storms that rage within and without, that I may remain steadfast in my faith and steadfast in my commitment to goodness and righteousness.

Blessed Mother, guide my steps throughout this day, that I may walk with integrity and compassion. Help me to see the beauty in every soul I encounter and to be an instrument of your love and mercy. Grant me the grace to extend a helping hand to those in need, to offer a kind word to the weary, and to bring healing to the broken-hearted.

Immaculate Virgin, as I go about my daily tasks, grant me wisdom and discernment. Help me make choices that honor God and reflect the values you embody. Grant me clarity of mind and purity of heart, that I may be a beacon of light in a world often shrouded in darkness.

Oh, Patroness of the Americas, I entrust to you my loved ones, my hopes, and my dreams. Pray for me and intercede on my behalf before your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. May I be guided by your example of unwavering faith and complete surrender to the will of God.

Virgin of Guadalupe, Mother of Mercy, hear my prayer and fill my day with your presence. As I place my trust in your loving care, I know that no difficulty or obstacle can overcome me. Through your intercession, may I find strength, protection, and guidance to fulfill the remaining hours of this day and to live my life as a testament to your everlasting love.


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