
Angel Grace Blessing

Today's Message of The Day

Our Lady of Kibeho Apparitions: Prayer Messages For Peace, Repentance and Healing Today

O Blessed Virgin Mary,
Our Lady of Kibeho,
Mother of the Word,
We come before you in humility,
Seeking your motherly guidance, love, and protection.
You appeared in Kibeho to bring a message of hope,
A call to repentance, conversion, and heartfelt prayer.
You called us to turn away from the darkness of sin
And return to the merciful embrace of your Son, Jesus Christ.

O Mother of Sorrows,
You wept for the brokenness of the world,
For the hatred, violence, and division
That result from hearts hardened by sin.
You warned of the suffering that would come if hearts did not change,
Yet, with compassion, you also offered the promise of healing and peace
For those who return to God with sincere hearts.

Help us now, O Mother,
To heed your call to conversion.
We acknowledge our faults,
Our selfishness, pride, and indifference to the needs of others.
Grant us the grace to seek forgiveness for our sins,
And the strength to forgive those who have wounded us.
Through your intercession, may we grow in humility,
That we may become vessels of God’s mercy,
Bringing reconciliation to our families, communities, and the world.

O Our Lady of Kibeho,
You urged us to pray deeply and sincerely from the heart.
Help us to embrace a life of prayer,
Not just with words, but with our whole being.
Guide us in our prayer, O Mother,
So that we may come into deeper communion with God.
Teach us to pray the Rosary with devotion,
Meditating on the mysteries of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection.
Through this sacred prayer, may we grow closer to your Son,
And may we, by our prayers, bring peace to a world in turmoil.

O Queen of Peace,
You appeared at a time of great suffering in Rwanda,
Warning of the violence and tragedy to come.
But you also reminded us that God’s mercy is greater than all sin,
And that His grace can heal even the deepest wounds.
We ask for your intercession now,
In this time of division, conflict, and strife.
Help us to be peacemakers,
To seek reconciliation where there is discord,
And to bring love where there is hatred.
May your message of peace and love penetrate our hearts,
So that we may become instruments of God’s healing in the world.

O Loving Mother,
You showed the visionaries of Kibeho the path of suffering,
Not to instill fear, but to awaken our hearts to the reality of sin’s consequences.
Help us, O Mother, to embrace our own crosses,
Uniting our sufferings with the Passion of your Son.
Teach us to trust in God’s will,
Even in times of trial,
Knowing that through suffering, we are drawn closer to His heart.
May we find strength and hope in the knowledge
That our trials, when offered in love,
Participate in the redemptive work of Christ.

O Our Lady of Kibeho,
We pray for the healing of all those who suffer.
We lift up to you those who are victims of violence,
Those burdened by grief and loss,
And those who carry the scars of war.
Grant them the comfort and peace
That only your maternal heart can give.
Intercede for the people of Rwanda,
That they may continue to heal from the wounds of the past,
And that they may be a light of hope and reconciliation for the world.
We also pray for nations divided by hatred,
For families torn apart by conflict,
And for all those who feel lost in despair.
Bring them the light of Christ,
And help them to find peace in His mercy.

O Virgin of Kibeho,
Mother of the Word,
We entrust our lives to your care.
Guide us on the path of holiness,
That we may follow your Son with faith and courage.
Help us to live lives of virtue,
That reflect the love and mercy of God to all we meet.
May we be instruments of His peace,
Bringing healing to the wounds of division,
And hope to those who are in despair.

O Our Lady of Kibeho,
You called us to be witnesses of God’s love,
To live lives of charity, humility, and forgiveness.
Help us to grow in these virtues,
That we may become true disciples of Christ.
Teach us to love as Christ loves,
To serve as He serves,
And to give of ourselves generously in the work of His Kingdom.

We place all our needs, hopes, and desires in your hands, O Mother.
We ask for your protection over our families,
Our communities, and our nations.
Watch over us and guide us,
That we may always walk in the light of Christ.
Help us to remain faithful to the message you gave at Kibeho,
A message of repentance, reconciliation, and peace.
May we live lives that glorify God,
And one day share in the eternal joy of heaven with you and all the saints.

O Loving Mother,
We ask for your prayers for the whole world,
That all may come to know the love of your Son,
And experience the healing power of His grace.
Help us to be faithful to the call of the Gospel,
Living lives of love, compassion, and justice.

O Our Lady of Kibeho,
Mother of the Word,
We thank you for your maternal care and intercession.
May we always walk in the peace and light of Christ,
And may we, with your help, bring His love to the world.



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