
Angel Grace Blessing

Today's Message of The Day

Miraculous Prayer To Our Lady of Good Remedy To Unlocking Blessings and Healing

O Blessed Virgin Mary,
Beloved Mother of our Savior, and our compassionate mother,
We come before you today with hearts full of hope and trust.
You are honored throughout the ages as the Lady of Good Remedy,
A title born from your loving intervention for those in desperate need.
In times of struggle and uncertainty, you have always been
A guiding light, a source of grace, and an anchor of mercy.

You who, through divine providence, freed captives from chains,
Delivered those held in bondage, and provided for those in need,
We turn to you now, trusting in the same boundless love and care
That moved you to act in ages past.
Look upon us, your children, with tender eyes of mercy and compassion.
Hear our cries, O Lady of Good Remedy, and come swiftly to our aid.

In our hearts, we carry many burdens—
Worries, fears, sickness, struggles, and trials known only to God.
We bring them all to you, placing them at your feet,
Knowing that through your intercession, no prayer goes unheard.
You understand the pain of this world, O Holy Mother,
For you walked the path of suffering with your Son,
Sharing in His Passion, sorrowing with a heart pierced by grief.

O Mary, source of consolation,
Comfort us in our suffering and lift us from the depths of despair.
When we feel lost and without direction,
Be our guiding star, leading us to the heart of Jesus,
Where all wounds are healed, and all brokenness restored.
We ask for the strength to endure life's challenges with patience and grace,
For the wisdom to see beyond our struggles,
And for the courage to trust in God’s greater plan for us.

Our Lady of Good Remedy,
In your arms, we place our worries, knowing that you will care for them.
Help us to recognize God’s presence in the midst of our trials.
When we are tempted to give in to doubt or fear,
Help us to remember that, just as you have provided for others,
You will provide for us, according to God’s perfect will.

Grant us the remedy of peace for our troubled souls,
The remedy of hope when all seems lost,
The remedy of healing for our bodies and minds,
And the remedy of faith that never falters,
Even when the road is long and the outcome unclear.
Through your powerful intercession,
Help us to embrace the love of Christ more deeply in our lives.

Teach us, O loving Mother,
To be instruments of compassion and service to others,
Just as you responded to those in need with open arms.
Help us to see the face of Christ in the poor, the oppressed,
And in all those who call out for help.
May we, in following your example,
Bring hope and healing to our world,
Acting always with love, patience, and humility.

O Mary, most gracious Mother,
We entrust ourselves to your care and protection.
Guide us closer to your Son, Jesus, in all that we do,
And let your loving presence be a source of comfort in our daily lives.
We thank you for your never-ending love and intercession,
And we offer our hearts to you, confident that you will answer our prayers
With the same kindness and generosity you have shown throughout the ages.

We ask this in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ,
Who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
One God, forever and ever.


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