
Angel Grace Blessing

Mother Mary's Message of the Day

I’ll Give You The Upper Hand Over Your Adversaries

Have you ever been engaged in combat and felt as though your foes were winning all of a sudden?

You could start to feel isolated and believe that the heavens have forsaken you.

You could feel pressured by this to lay down your weapon and give up.

Put on Christ's armor.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
~ Ephesians 6:10-18 NKJV

Remember that I am with you whenever you feel like giving up and letting your adversaries prevail. I'm your devoted mother, and a mother will do anything to keep her child safe. In any of your struggles, you will never be on your own. I'll be there with you, keeping an eye on you and defending you.

When you feel like now is the ideal time to give up and submit to the opposition, resist the urge to do so. I can assure you that this is the precise moment to devote all of your might to the conflict. The adversary is watching for your surrender. He understands your weaknesses and is keeping an eye on everything you do. Give him no advantage over you. Don't let someone else join his side of the conflict. Keep in mind that the battle is for God's honor. Giving up does not bring glory to God.

Never have the impression that you are battling alone. I will defend you from any assaults since I am on your side. Then, with everything you have left, stand up. I'll keep an eye out for you. Thus, you need not be afraid. I'll fight alongside you in this struggle. You don't have to be terrified of losing or dying. There are moments when your adversaries will seem more powerful and prepared to prevail in war than you.

Don't let appearances deceive you. Avoid letting their physical presence fill you with fear; you are stronger than they realize. Whenever you are intimidated by them, do not lose trust. I'll come to your rescue if you reach out to me for assistance since I care about you. They might arrive with swords and spears, much like Goliath did for David. They may appear to be enormous. However, you are fighting in the Lord's name. He is the victor and is at your right hand.

Beloved, don't let your enemies knock you to the ground; instead, stay upright. When they call you names, don't let your head droop. Their goal is to sap your willpower so that you would be more likely to lose the war even before it starts. Prove to them that their ideas are flawed. Do this by getting up and moving about with your head held high and your confidence. Make it clear to them that you are unafraid of their hollow threats. due to the fact that your mother is always watching out for you. And you are the King's heir. There is nothing they can say to change that.

According to the Bible, we are fighting against the evil forces of this world rather than actual people. You therefore cannot even imagine attempting to combat it with only your own might. The good news is that our Lord already has the upper hand in the conflict. You are aware of how this tale finishes. God has triumphed.

I implore you, my child, to keep moving forward on the noble path. No matter how frequently your adversaries intend to harm you, I swear to guard you. even on the days you believe you have little possibility of succeeding. mostly because they outnumber you. Keep in mind that you are not alone, and that you will prevail because of my presence.

I'll make a request on your behalf. I promise you victory and the fact that your adversaries won't have the stamina to oppose you any longer. They will quake on the battlefield at your presence. So, my kid, you no longer have anything to fear.

Gather Around For Prayer

“My God, Our Lady, I put my faith in your ability to keep my foes at bay. I humbly ask your help in praying for me so that I may prevail in this conflict. Please remind me that the Lord is in control of the conflict. to put my faith in Him in all my struggles. Amen”

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,
not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another
—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." - Hebrews 10:24-25"

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October 22, 2024

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