
Angel Grace Blessing

Mother Mary's Message of the Day

I’ll Give You The Courage You Need To Face Life’s Challenges And Climb The Mountains

Beloved, I am aware that there are many mountains in life. Sometimes they can wear you out. When you have to pass yet another mountain, it can be stressful.

You've just reached the top of what you believed to be the last mountain and felt a wave of relief wash over you. You've finally arrived back in the valley, where it's cool under the cover of the mountains. Wherever cool streams run, where you can replenish and find your soul's roots. Another mountain appears in front of you as you glance up, almost mockingly.

Your mother can tell how committed you are to scaling those mountains, my child. I will hold you whenever you are feeling worn out and on the verge of passing out. Additionally, I'll keep you from falling. You are my child, thus the only place I will allow you to fall is in my arms. Never once will I allow you to fall while you ascend. I'll be there to help you and be your right hand.

As my beloved child, you have my undying affection. Your life's challenges are intended to strengthen you. They are a natural part of existence. Try to enjoy the ascent and consider the challenges an asset on your spiritual path. Because persistence develops character, as we all know. You can only go to heaven with your character, not anything else.

Making it to paradise is God's top priority for you. He will never subject you to anything that He knows you are incapable of handling. Therefore, when the mountain seems especially large, remember that the Lord has such much faith in you that He is confident you will reach the summit.

My dear child, I am so proud of you. Nothing you encounter will be used to put you to the test beyond your capacity. God knows you'll make it through everything you go through. Therefore, instead of viewing mountains as dangers, think of them as obstacles that God has put in your path so that you can overcome them with His help.

My obedient one, there are moments when it is simpler to ask God to move those mountains. to eliminate the need for you to climb them. As you climb, try not to moan too much or you won't realize its beauty. Additionally, it will reduce how much fun you have on the trip. Without them, the road would be monotonous, and you would miss the true meaning of life, I can assure you.

When you're about to give up, ask for my help, and I'll make you stronger. I won't level the mountains; I'll make you powerful. in order to improve your climbing skills and make the mountains easier to climb. After scaling one mountain after another, you'll still have the strength to continue.

Even when you cannot see or feel me, I am always with you, keeping watch over you and ensuring your safety. I'm still here with you even though you can't see me. You would be surprised to learn how often I try to speak with you. You won't be able to meet me or sense my presence anywhere else but in solitude, prayer, and meditation.

I promise to always hold your hand as you navigate life. And because you are my kid, I will guide you in the proper direction. And no mother could stand to remain silent while seeing her kid get lost.

Hands Together In Prayer

Dear Mother Mary, I pray that I will have the fortitude to climb all the mountains in my life starting today. Please give me the fortitude to embrace them as a necessary component of my mission's preparation.

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,
not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another
—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." - Hebrews 10:24-25"

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October 5, 2024

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