
Angel Grace Blessing

Mother Mary's Message of the Day

I’ll Be There To Help You Get Back Up Whenever You Fall

Have you ever stumbled and thought you lacked the stamina to get back up and carry on? Falling down does not indicate that your adventure is over. There is yet time for you to stand up and continue.

My darling, when you trip and feel like you can't get up, it tears my heart. It really kills me when people on the street step on you. I'm always willing to assist you in getting back on your feet. to support you when you wish to continue moving forward. However, occasionally you neglect to request my assistance. I want you to contact me anytime you are in a challenging circumstance because I love you so much. I'll be happy to help you out.

I am aware that life is not always a bed of roses, my dear. And that the road of life would be littered with many thorns. The path to your future won't always be clear of obstacles and potholes. I want you to constantly be aware that I am available to guide you through the bumps in the road. Whenever you need me, I am available. I hope you will always ask for my assistance.

Throughout His earthly existence, Jesus traveled many challenging paths. So keep in mind that the blood stains on the rock you step on were left there by Jesus every time you bang your toe on it. He moved front of you on the road. Because He took the Way of Sorrow to His own death on Calvary, He is known as the Prince of Sorrow. He has personally endured every kind of anguish and sorrow there is. He is more sensitive to your suffering than you can ever realize.

You are not alone in your suffering, my beloved Child. Similar experiences to yours are shared by others. While others may have remained seated, some may have stood up and continued. Allow your suffering to aid in the healing of others. When you notice that they have fallen, have the strength and guts to assist them in getting back up. Permit other people to heal from your hurts. Similar to how Christ's wounds were made for your recovery.

I am aware that you suffer injuries when you fall, my devoted one. And this could prevent you from standing up. I want you to know that even if you get harmed, your journey is not over. The presence of pain indicates that you are still breathing and that you are alive. The discomfort will eventually subside as you get stronger with each rising. Therefore, don't get discouraged when you stumble again. You can and will emerge stronger from this.

There may be numerous voices asking you to keep lying down whenever you fall and get harmed. And they'll advise you to keep being depressed about it. voices urging you to lose hope and your faith. If you are not vigilant and diligent, you can find yourself listening to them and taking their tiny voices seriously. This would entail accepting your current challenging circumstance as your destiny rather than just a trying time. And you'd decide to live a life devoid of hope.

Don't let one slip leave you a fallen person. Get up, continue the battle, and fight the good fight. Your prize is waiting as the race draws to a close. What a wonderful day it will be when you may lay your crown at the feet of Jesus and hear Him say, “Well done, you good and faithful servant”?

Dearest one, You may always confide in me about everything because I'm your mother, and I want you to know that. You can always confide in your cherished mother when you're feeling overwhelmed. because I promise to support you no matter what. You don't have to experience the pain by yourself. Your mother would sympathize with your suffering.

Hands Together In Prayer

Thank you, dear mother, for always being there for me and being the first to help me up when I fall. I ask for more faith and more love. so that I can reach out to you whenever I stumble and accept your assistance. Amen

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,
not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another
—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." - Hebrews 10:24-25"

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October 18, 2024

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