
Angel Grace Blessing

Mother Mary's Message of the Day

I’ll Assist You In Making The Best Decision When You Are Faced With A Dilemma

Have you ever encountered a situation when you weren't sure what to do? Under pressure, choosing can be quite challenging. When you make the decision, you are unsure of the results that will follow. It can be challenging to determine which path is best for you and which is God's desire for your life. When you have to decide quickly on an offer, it might be difficult because what if you choose incorrectly under pressure?

I am aware that life offers you a wide variety of options every day, my child. And whichever decision you choose, there will be repercussions. You are terrified that you might choose poorly and end up having to live with the repercussions. When you have to make a significant decision quickly, it can be difficult because you worry that you might choose incorrectly under pressure.

I'm here to let you know that you can always ask for my assistance. I am here whenever you require my assistance in making a decision. God gave you free choice so you could choose any path you wanted to take. However, the fact that you cannot escape the effects of your choices is a weight. And whether you like it or not, you will be held accountable for them.

I need you to know this, my obedient child: You won't keep making bad choices, even if you have a history of making plenty of poor choices. When you hesitate to make a choice because of prior mistakes, it really bothers me. Because it can be difficult to predict which decisions will have positive or negative effects, you may frequently find yourself in a state of indecision.

God made you a brilliant person, my child. You possess everything necessary to make the best choice with all of your skills and abilities. must continue on the right road, too. Have confidence in your abilities and in yourself, please. When I can guide you along a road that will bring you eternal life, it makes me happy. in contrast to the road that leads to gloom and damnation for all time.

Making the appropriate choice is frequently what determines what to do, my devoted child. If there are numerous seemingly positive outcomes, it could be tempting to act incorrectly. But in the eyes of heaven, instant satisfaction has no place. Therefore, you ought to make an effort to act in a way that pleases the Lord at all times. even though it is the harder decision to make. Any difficulties on earth will be far outweighed by your reward in paradise. In heaven, your honesty and tenacity will be rewarded.

I'm promising you my love and defense. I made a commitment to help you so that God could give you more wisdom. You will be able to make the proper choices and follow the path of righteousness thanks to it. I also want you to know that I am here for you. I'm always available to assist you if you need me. You are my cherished child and my favorite thing in the world. As a result, if you asked me to support you and aid you, I would never leave you or watch you make a bad choice.

Hands Together In Prayer

Mother Mary, you are very gracious and merciful. I sincerely want you to guide me in making the correct decisions in life as I come to thee. I implore thee to lead me back to the straight path whenever it appears that I am straying. I put my faith in your direction and ask for your constant presence.

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,
not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another
—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." - Hebrews 10:24-25"

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October 22, 2024

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