
Angel Grace Blessing

Mother Mary's Message of the Day

How to Begin Leading a Love-Filled Life

Please pay close attention to what I am about to say, my child. Throughout your time here on earth, it will illuminate your path. I'll guide you in the direction you should travel.

What does it entail to lead a loving life? It entails loving me with all of your heart, soul, and might. And to love yourself as much as you love your neighbor.

It refers to upholding the divine law of life. to adhere to the moral code. You will develop and advance in life when you discover how to live this way. since love always triumphs.

You must learn to live a life of love because a life without love is a life without purpose. You will make me happy and receive my soul's blessing if you lead a life based on love. God is love, and when His children practice love, they reflect God's nature to the outside world.

You must discover how to love me in spirit and in reality if you want to live a life of love. Without truth, love is impossible. Therefore, it is crucial to be sincere and honest. You will follow my instructions and obey me when you love me in this way.

If you do this, my beloved, I will rain my mercy on you and your progeny for many years. Your children will learn to live loving lives from you when you model them for them. And it will affect many generations to come in a negative way.

Your heart and soul will be overflowed with my joy and happiness. Living a life of love every day of your existence will make you good to your neighbors and ensure that they never hurt you. They will realize that God is present for sure. Your love will reveal to them that you are a Christian.

The world's population yearns for peace, but they are unaware that only I can satisfy their needs. Many people try to fill the holes in their hearts that they feel, but only I can give you a true sense of fulfillment.

A life of love is a beautiful life. And such a person is well received in heaven. You will exude God's splendor if you live this way. People who are in love are content. And contented people are lovely.

Living a loving life can also bring you divine favor, which will assist you in winning the race of life. It will enable you to advance from one degree of glory to another as you gain strength.

God said, “My heart rejoices when you live a life characterized by love.” This is because you will obey me and follow all of my commands. Living in love is living a life that exalts me.

I will grant you a long life on earth and, most importantly, salvation if you learn to live in this manner. You will spend all of eternity with me in my heavenly kingdom.
I am aware that in a cruel world, this may seem unattainable. However, I want you to know that you are worthy of my grace. Your vulnerability makes my strength wonderful. You cannot get too far away from me due to anything you have done. I love you because I am love.

So, have hope knowing that your hard work will be richly repaid and not in vain. In order for me to bless you, make an effort to please me in all of your thoughts, words, deeds, and actions.

People who adore me are those who lead loving lives. In heaven, they will be as bright as a million suns. Your crown will be covered in numerous gems.

I made a promise to you that I would love the world so deeply that I would permit my son to suffer a torturous death on a cross.

He took these actions in an effort to cleanse the world of its sins. The ultimate act of love that saved humanity was this sacrifice. You can follow in my footsteps as I lived a life of love.

Hands Together in Prayer

My love and my mother. Please give me the ability to sincerely love others. My heart's sincere wish is to achieve this.

I am aware that if I truly love you, I will live a loving life. I aspire to be like you since love is part of who you are.

Please give me your grace so that I can fully love because only then will I truly live. I shall feel complete, and I will be overcome by your joy.

I'm confident that if I live a loving life, God's glory will radiate through and on me. Help me to love like you do, Mother, so that the world will praise you.


"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,
not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another
—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." - Hebrews 10:24-25"

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October 5, 2024

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