
Angel Grace Blessing

Mother Mary's Message of the Day

Cast Your Fears Upon Me as You Raise Your Eyes

I want you to know that you are the apple of my eye, my dear kid. My affection is directed at you. You have my undying affection, and I will always be yours. You have my undying love.

I'll lift you up and set your feet on higher ground when grief threatens to engulf you like a torrent. so that you won't be drowned by the floods of sorrow.

I'll rescue you when it seems like there are enemies all around you. Never will I abandon or leave you. I'll hold your hand and support you. They won't be able to defeat you. despite the fact that you can feel outnumbered.

Dear one, raise your eyes and fix them on mine. I am the beginning and the end. I am both the start and the finish. Both first and last, I am. Avoid being sucked into the trap of gazing about. Look up. Your redemption is at hand.

I am the One who perished yet now lives forever. I want you to know that I kept an eye on you when you were a kid. As I saw you develop every day, I grew to adore you. My heart was filled with such excitement and delight at your smile. I watched as you learnt to walk and took your first shaky steps. I was very happy and proud of myself for it.

Every time, I made sure to take care of your needs. I would definitely look after you today if I could look after you back then. I will always do so. I don't want you to worry because of this. Look at me with your eyes raised.

You can trust in my presence and know that I adore you indefatigably. Instead of putting your responsibilities on you, I want you to put them on me.

I addressed you in my word and encouraged your spirit. I've advised you to come to me when you're worn out and carrying a lot on your shoulders. I'll grant you spiritual tranquility and repose. I want you to always be aware of how simple and light my yoke is.

Regardless of your situation, keep your eyes on me at all times. I want you to be aware that difficult times will pass. This is why I mentioned that neither the sun nor the moon will harm you while you are outside.

You give me access to your heart when you lift up your eyes to me. I will grant you tranquility once you let me into your heart. You'll feel at ease and free of worry.

I'll be beside you as you navigate choppy waters. Fire won't burn you if you walk through it. No matter what you go through, I will always be there for you.

Come and skulk beneath the cover of my wings. Run into my arms, and my strength will catch you. I'll encircle you with my feathers much like an eagle would its young. The arrows of the evil will miss you because I am your shield.

Hands Together In Prayer

Dear Lord, please make it easier for me to keep looking up at you. I am aware that You are both my source of hope and strength. Keep me from falling and shield me from the evil. Hide me in Your hidden location so I can find peace for my spirit. Because I know You won't let me down, please help me to place my trust in You. When I reach out to You in the morning, noon, and night, please heed my cries, O Lord. Give me happiness, and I will give You honor. I shall elevate my gaze to You because I am confident that I will never feel humiliation.


"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,
not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another
—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." - Hebrews 10:24-25"

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October 18, 2024

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