
Angel Grace Blessing

Today's Message of The Day

Powerful Prayer For Guidance To Our Lady of Good Counsel To Seek Divine Wisdom and Protection

O Blessed Virgin Mary,
Our Lady of Good Counsel,
Mother of Divine Wisdom,
We come before you today with hearts open to your guidance.
In your loving embrace, we seek the wisdom and insight
That can only come from your maternal care.
You who have walked this earth with grace and understanding,
Teach us to discern the path that leads us closer to your Son,
Our Lord Jesus Christ.

O Mother of Good Counsel,
You were given to us as a beacon of hope and clarity.
In our moments of confusion and uncertainty,
We turn to you, asking for your wise intercession.
Help us to see beyond our fears and doubts,
To recognize the gentle whispers of the Holy Spirit
Leading us toward truth and goodness.
Grant us the courage to follow the path you illuminate,
Even when it seems difficult or uncertain.

O Virgin Mary,
You experienced the challenges of life with unwavering faith.
You faced trials with a heart full of trust in God’s plan.
Help us to embrace our own challenges with the same spirit of faith.
May we find solace in your example,
Knowing that you are with us in every moment of struggle.
When we feel lost or overwhelmed,
Remind us to pause, reflect, and seek your counsel.
In doing so, may we open our hearts to the divine wisdom
That flows from your Son, Jesus, our Savior.

O Lady of Good Counsel,
You are the Mother of all who seek guidance.
In our daily lives, we encounter decisions, big and small,
And we often find ourselves at crossroads.
We ask for your intercession, that we may be granted clarity
In our choices, discernment in our actions,
And the wisdom to know the will of God in our lives.
Help us to trust in His plan, even when we cannot see it.
May we always seek to align our desires with His divine purpose.

O Loving Mother,
You have been a source of strength for the weak,
A comfort for the sorrowful, and a guide for the lost.
We pray for all who are struggling in their lives—
For those facing difficult decisions,
For the weary and the anxious,
For families in conflict,
And for all who feel disconnected from God’s love.
Intercede for them, that they may experience your tender care
And the transformative power of God’s grace.

O Our Lady of Good Counsel,
In moments of prayer, may we be open to your insights.
Guide our hearts to seek the counsel of wise and holy people,
And give us the humility to accept their guidance.
Help us to be faithful stewards of the gifts God has given us,
So that we may use them wisely for His glory and the good of others.
May we be instruments of peace, joy, and love in our families,
Our communities, and the world.

O Mother of Good Counsel,
We ask for your protection over our loved ones.
Watch over our families, our friends, and all who are dear to us.
Grant them your peace, your strength, and your wisdom.
Help us to be beacons of light for those who walk in darkness,
Offering encouragement and support to those in need.
May our words and actions reflect the love of Christ,
And may we lead others to Him through our example.

O Blessed Mother,
We also pray for our leaders,
That they may seek your guidance in their decisions.
Help them to act with integrity, compassion, and a commitment to justice,
So that they may promote the common good and serve those they lead.
May they always strive for peace and understanding,
Listening to the voices of the marginalized and the voiceless.
May our communities flourish under their guidance,
Rooted in the love and wisdom that you embody.

O Our Lady of Good Counsel,
We entrust our lives and the lives of those we love to your care.
Help us to cultivate a spirit of prayerfulness in our hearts,
That we may constantly seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
May we be open to your counsel, and may we live in a way
That honors your Son, bringing His light into the world.

In your loving embrace,
We find the comfort we seek.
In your wise counsel,
We discover the clarity we need.
O Blessed Virgin Mary,
Our Lady of Good Counsel,
We thank you for your maternal love,
For your unwavering support, and for your guidance.
May we always turn to you in our moments of need,
And may we trust in your loving intercession.
With confidence, we seek your help,
Knowing that you will lead us closer to Jesus,
Our ultimate source of wisdom and grace.


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