
Angel Grace Blessing

Mother Mary's Message of the Day

Let Me Show You the Way in Embracing Christ’s Light

As I gather you close to my heart in the warmth of my love, I am filled with joy to share with you reflections on the radiant beauty of illumination, a light that banishes all shadows, just as my son Jesus did during his earthly journey. Let us journey together through the boundless grace that illuminating brings, shedding light on the path of discipleship and faithful obedience to God's divine will.

Reflect, my dear ones, on my own life, one marked by surrender and openness to God's plan. When the angel Gabriel appeared to me, I was but a humble maiden, yet I embraced the call to bear the Son of God with unwavering trust. In doing so, I became a vessel of divine light, allowing God's will to shine through me for the world to behold.

My journey with Jesus was one illuminated by love, compassion, and unwavering faith. From his miraculous birth in Bethlehem to his ministry of healing and teaching, I witnessed firsthand the transformative power of his divine light. Like a beacon in the darkness, he showed us the way to true discipleship – a life lived in faithful obedience to the Father's will.

My beloved children, to follow in the footsteps of my son is to become beacons of light in a world shrouded in darkness. It is to embody the virtues of love, humility, and compassion, allowing God's light to shine through us in all that we do. Just as a lamp is not meant to be hidden under a basket but to illuminate the entire room, so too are we called to let our light shine before others, that they may see our good deeds and glorify our Father in heaven.

Bearing witness to Christ's light is not always easy, my dear ones. It requires courage, perseverance, and a willingness to step out of our comfort zones. Yet, it is in those moments of vulnerability that God's love shines most brightly, transforming hearts and minds in ways we never thought possible.

Think, my children, of the countless saints and martyrs who have illuminated the path of discipleship through their selfless deeds and unwavering faith. From Saint Francis of Assisi, who embraced a life of poverty and simplicity for the sake of the Gospel, to Saint Teresa of Calcutta, who tirelessly served the poorest of the poor with love and compassion, their lives serve as shining examples of what it means to live in faithful obedience to God's will.

But you need not be a saint or a martyr to illuminate the world with Christ's light, my dear ones. Each and every one of you has been endowed with unique gifts and talents, waiting to be unleashed for the glory of God. Whether it be through acts of kindness, words of encouragement, or simply offering a listening ear to those in need, you have the power to make a difference in the lives of others.

As you reflect on the beauty of illumination, my beloved children, remember that it is not our own light that we shine, but the light of Christ dwelling within us. It is a light that dispels darkness, heals wounds, and brings hope to the hopeless. So let your light shine brightly, my dear ones, and may it illuminate the world with the boundless love of God.

A Prayer to Mother Mary

Divine Mother Mary,

As I kneel before you in humble reverence, I am filled with gratitude for the light that emanates from your loving presence. Like a gentle beacon guiding ships through stormy seas, you illuminate the path of discipleship with your tender grace and unwavering faith.

Mother Mary, you understand the struggles and challenges we face as we strive to follow in the footsteps of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ. You walked beside him, witnessing firsthand the transformative power of his divine light. Just as you embraced God's will with courage and humility, help us to do the same, even when the path ahead seems uncertain.

Teach us, dear Mother, to be vessels of divine illumination, allowing God's love to shine through us in all that we do. May we reflect your virtues of love, compassion, and faithfulness, bringing light to the darkest corners of the world.

In moments of doubt and despair, be our guiding star, leading us closer to your Son. Wrap us in your mantle of protection, shielding us from the storms of life and filling our hearts with peace.

Mother Mary, intercede for us before the throne of God, that we may be strengthened in our resolve to live lives of faithful obedience and service. Help us to bear witness to Christ's light with courage and conviction, that all may come to know the boundless love of our Heavenly Father.

With you as our guide and companion, we journey forth with renewed hope and determination. May your gentle presence be a constant reminder of God's infinite mercy and grace.

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.


"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,
not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another
—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." - Hebrews 10:24-25"

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October 18, 2024

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