
Angel Grace Blessing

Mother Mary's Message of the Day

Adopt a Young Mindset, Brave, And Compassionate

In today's message, my kid, I urge you to adopt a young mindset. to have guts. And to practice love as you go about your day.

Put on the young splendor that our Lord donned while He was here on earth. He carried out His mission with bravery and daring. Yet he was loving in every manner imaginable. He was courageous in the face of challenges, yet he corrected them in love.

For the glory of God, who is able to accomplish anything, do everything to the best of your ability. Work as though the Lord is the center of everything you accomplish, and He will reward you.

Youth is characterized by vigor and speed. Spend your youthful energy on activities that delight the Lord, on your part. Maintaining good health will help you work quickly and effectively because you'll constantly be energized.

Humanity is lucky to have you. Don't let fear and a lack of bravery cause your glow to fade. Additionally, avoid becoming self-centered. Don't assess yourself against others. Avoid feeling unworthy. Keep an open mind and give yourself permission to develop your skills.

Consider your creative endeavors as a means of praising and worshiping God. God created you with all of your talents, and your creation is a testament to Him. So utilize it for His praise. Being the Creator, He appreciates your originality.

If you work in healthcare, I urge you to genuinely care for and love the patients you are responsible for. Jesus began to treat the ill. Being a caregiver for others is the most honorable profession there is. He gave us instructions to console His people. So, soothe each sufferer he has entrusted to your care. similar to the good Samaritan

Clean to the best of your ability if you are one. Give everything you have to one cause, and that cause is God's glory. There are various methods to exalt God through your cleaning duties because it is believed that cleanliness is almost synonymous with godliness.

Each and every one of us must acknowledge this. Who you are and what you do are irrelevant. regardless of your age. God recognizes and appreciates your effort and perseverance.

The most brave thing you will ever do is to love. Cowards are unable to comprehend what love is.

Go about your work in love and remember that only God can fully repay us for whatever we accomplish correctly. Therefore, avoid working for praise or recognition in this world. Heaven holds the prize. Put on a show for just one person. God.

Live each day with the understanding that it presents another chance to help and care for others. We can only fully claim to adore God in this way. Our job will reflect our religion. And how we treat other people is a reflection of how much we love God.

Have you considered all the advantages you gain by converting your routine actions into a love for God and humanity? Instead of being a burden, each day becomes a blessing.

In the end, you will be given innumerable blessings. There will be numerous challenges when you change your attitude toward work, my child. But don't give up. Keep giving it your all.

Colleagues, friends, and occasionally even family members will make fun of you. It requires courage and a strong heart because of this. A loving heart is most vital, though.

Do not allow bullies in your line of business to intimidate you. I'm with you, so hold your head up. I'll give you the correct phrases to say and bring you up to the kings' table to represent me.

I'll walk ahead of you and clear the way for you.

Keep these ideas in mind to avoid falling victim to discouragement and dread. Be careful.

Hands Together In Prayer

Lord, please assist me to live my life as you did. courageous and loving.

Help me to have the fortitude and bravery needed to accomplish things successfully while giving it my all despite the challenges.

Give me the strength to persevere in good things in the face of opposition.

Bless my efforts, and pardon my flaws.


"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,
not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another
—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." - Hebrews 10:24-25"

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October 5, 2024

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